
joined 2 years ago
[–] lemmyng 5 points 2 weeks ago

I've experienced the occasional hiccup, but have no hard proof that it's not my internet. There was one incident where my comment in this post got copied multiple times, but it was a single event so not enough to discern a pattern, and it could well have been a problem with my client instead of the server.

[–] lemmyng 4 points 2 weeks ago

I'm on the fence. Visually the bowtie seems more flattering because it draws attention to the head, but I also get the argument about the necktie filling empty space and being able to flap around. Opinions in this post seem somewhat polarized too, so depending on the effort required to implement it I might suggest giving the player the option to choose either.

[–] lemmyng 2 points 2 weeks ago

See the other threads. I Posted the comment once, but something (either client or server) kept posting it. It could have been a temporary misconfiguration (happened at least once before), a bug in the server code, or a combination of unreliable network and my client retrying.

[–] lemmyng 27 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

This seems to be a calculator for businesses.

  • Centre left: Rounding switch - Always round up / rounding off if the last digit is 0-4, rounding up if the digit is 5-9 / always round down (truncate)
  • Centre right: Decimal switch - switch between monetary values (A), fixed decimal point (number of digits to the right of the decimal that are shown) (02346), floating point mode (all digits) (F)
  • Right: Sigma switch - adds the results of the = or % key to the accumulator (useful when summing up ledgers)
  • Left: Not sure, perhaps turning print mode on/off?

Reference: https://manualmachine.com/victortechnology/14603/753934-user-manual/

[–] lemmyng 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I didn't, but now I'm paranoid that whatever caused the comment to be sent multiple times is still going on 😅

[–] lemmyng 7 points 2 weeks ago

I know you joke, but likely not far from the truth. I was talking about misleading sensors, and this is an example of that - either my client didn't get a response from the server indicating that the comment was received and retried, or my server didn't get a response on OP's server. Either way miscommunication happened, and the result (repeated comments, and from what I can see received at different times too) is much worse than the desired result (one comment entry only).

[–] lemmyng 10 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Very odd, I swear I wrote the post only once. I was having slowness loading the page - maybe there was a problem with my client not being able to get a response from the server and retrying, or the server processing the post multiple times (timestsamps are odd too)? Kind of serendipitous though - one system not getting the data it expects, and defaulting to a behaviour that is unintended.

[–] lemmyng 29 points 2 weeks ago

This is highly unusual.

Depends on the field you're in. In IT cascading failures are common.

My gut tells me that there was also a sensor failure and that the pilots were operating on erroneous information, which caused them to take actions that ended up compounding the problem.

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