On .ml, communists get called lib. Ask me how I know.
I am unclear how people in Pakistan installing solar to power their factories and air conditioning instead of using fossil fuels is a fatal flaw. It seems to me that it is a very good kind of flaw to have in the model.
Unless the model was assuming that Pakistan would simply have to do without air conditioning because they wouldn't be allowed to run it on fossil fuels. In which case the model had an appalling flaw in it - in the moral sense as well as magnitude.
I made some panels like this this summer, to block the sun coming into our apartment, without blocking the light completely.
The canvas was more expensive than the wood, I must say. I just made squares, not divided panels, because I wasn't sure how we would arrange them. I used lap joints for the corners and I just wrapped the canvas over the frame and stapled it at the back. I put a couple of feet on each one so that the canvas wouldn't be touching the ground and get dirty.
So, nothing fancy at all, but they're actually very pleasing to look at - the sunlight coming through them, especially. I can really recommend this as a project!
The people rejected Biden's principles and chose Trump, who has already pardoned family members. The people are totally fine with this.
His problems are bigger than the title suggests. Badgers are normally shy animals, but these ones are happy not just to live close to humans, but right underneath them. His house won't be sitting directly on the earth, so these badgers are also capable of digging through the actual foundations. Those are some scary critters. No wonder Natural England told him to move out. I suspect he misheard what they said, which was actually "run and don't look back".
I don't think you need to go that far. Abortions where the fetus is non-viable or already dead are healthcare and only healthcare.
It relies on the idea that, since the government can 'print money' to pay the interest on debts, it can borrow freely. What do you expect the lenders to do in response?
Maybe because of projects that aren't interested in the opinions of distro maintainers, let alone individual contributors.
Is it not "use of air-delivered incendiary weapons against military targets in civilian areas" ? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_on_Certain_Conventional_Weapons .
Will Trump's team continue to claim this as his achievement?
Are you trying to say they're targeting it at the combatants and therefore it is OK to use it in a civilian area?
Because the photo just above makes it pretty obvious that it isn't a weapon that can be used in a targeted fashion.
How about the comment further up - "daily dot world self-soothing thread" ?