
joined 2 years ago
[–] nik282000 4 points 1 week ago (3 children)

What about TikTok, Facebook or Reddit? One is operated by an adversarial government, one harbors and aids scammers to steal millions, and Reddit is 4chan light.

Banning platforms is not the answer, it opens the door to banning as an easy solution to any issue.

[–] nik282000 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Sounds like a great way to keep wages down and prices up.

[–] nik282000 4 points 1 week ago

Nobody hoovers up more data than the US.

The US can't even unlock an iPhone without calling in 3rd parties. EVERY Chinese made device collects data, and every Chinese business gives full access to the Chinese government. The US government does collect data but it's no where near the scale of the Chinese.

Remember when Elon remotely unlocked that cybertruck recently and accessed the cameras?

He unlocked a device made by a company he owns, running software they designed on a network they operate. All that shows is that Tesla's vehicles are not properly secured and remote access can be abused by Tesla employees.

[–] nik282000 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I'm talking about Canada and not about a war.

During peace times it is not in Canada's interest for China to know where all our politicians are, it is not in Canada's interest for China to know where where Canadian military and law enforcement are. It's not in Canada's interest for any entity to be able to tell where specific people or groups of people are at any time.

De-spying should not only apply to Chinese cars but all cars and mobile devices.

[–] nik282000 2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Correlation attacks, China is king of hoovering up data.

Overly dramatic example: you are in the armed forces, you have a TikTok account, you post a bunch of shit that shows you are in the armed forces. You get deployed for some covert fuckabout and are told to leave your phone at home. You turn off your phone, pick up 3 of your buddies in your Chinese EV and drive to the base/airport/sea port. Dozens of people do this and by seeing the pattern China knows that a bunch of armed forces are being told to quietly deploy.

A less dramatic example might be figuring out where politicians are by knowing where their employees are.

[–] nik282000 2 points 1 week ago

Bernie Sanders had a pretty reasonable take on it:

[–] nik282000 3 points 1 week ago (6 children)

Correlation attacks, China is king of hoovering up data.

Overly dramatic example: you are in the armed forces, you have a TikTok account, you post a bunch of shit that shows you are in the armed forces. You get deployed for some covert fuckabout and are told to leave your phone at home. You turn off your phone, pick up 3 of your buddies in your Chinese EV and drive to the base/airport/sea port. Dozens of people do this and by seeing the pattern China knows that a bunch of armed forces are being told to quietly deploy.

A less dramatic example might be figuring out where politicians are by knowing where their employees are.

[–] nik282000 10 points 1 week ago

The title got me. The Beaverton has had a hard time making up news that is more ridiculous than reality.

[–] nik282000 12 points 1 week ago

If they keep the tax in effect until AC season the americans will turn it off themselves.

[–] nik282000 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Yes, people could still access them via VPN,

Have you met people? Most people use the default wifi password on their router.

[–] nik282000 5 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Nice! Breaking even should be the highest goal for a Crown corp, turning a profit means you are delivering less of a service than you could.

[–] nik282000 5 points 1 week ago (4 children)

It’s a natural monopoly and should be nationalized into Crown corporations.

So it can be destroyed like Canada post? Power, energy and telcos should be government owned and operated like the military. They are essential and their primary purpose should be to provide a service NOT turn a profit.


In the ruling, the judges argued the application could not be successful because of a new law, Rebuilding Ontario Place Act, 2023, that the government passed days after the court application was filed last November.



Made with


Repaired some broken solder joints, sanded out the biggest scuffs and polished most of the scratches out of the screen. Oh yeah, and the paint job.


I tried to go for an 80's NES theme. Not perfect but not bad.


The two hemispheres are electrically connected to each other and to an AC power supply, the ring is connected to the same AC supply but 180 degrees out of phase. Particles are charged and then injected into the trap, they are then alternately attracted to the ring and hemispheres causing them to oscillate and become trapped! As the voltage is increased lighter particles pick up more speed until they are finally thrown free from the trap. In ideal conditions ions are all charged the same amount allowing the trap to sort the ions from lightest to heaviest, allowing you to determine the atoms that make up a particular substance.

In this model I can not control the charge on the particles but it is possible to roughly sort them from smallest to largest.

Notes: This trap is scaled WAY up, the ring had a diameter of about 24mm. I'm trapping non-dairy creamer not individual ions. The frequency this trap runs at is WAY lower frequency than that of a real ion trap. This trap runs at a much higher voltage than a real trap. Otherwise them mechanism of operation is identical to the real thing.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by nik282000 to c/[email protected]

So I bought 2 sets because it looked like one set was briefly lost in the mail and this past week I got an email from Amazon that said one set I bought were “fakes.”

  • Both sets have printing that matches legitimate manufactures.
  • The “legitimate” set have all black filters (not the metalized filters I am used to like Thousand Oaks Optical) the “fakes” have the metalized filters.
  • Both sets of glasses have the same transmittance as the Thousand Oaks filter material I use on my telescope and cameras.
  • The build quality of the “legitimate” glasses is quite a bit worse than the “fakes” with the two layers of paper being misaligned

So, what I suspect is that I actually received a crappy set of “real” glasses and a well made set of counterfeits, this seems in line with the press release made by the American Astronomical Scociety.^[0]^

Some of these newly identified counterfeits are indistinguishable from genuine Qiwei products and appear to be safe. Others look like Qiwei’s eclipse glasses, but when you put them on, you realize they are no darker than ordinary sunglasses. So, these products are not just counterfeit, but also fake –– they’re sold as eclipse glasses, but they are not safe for solar viewing.

So, did anyone get unlucky enough to get some ‘real-fake’ glasses? An did anyone get a set of legitimate glasses with the non-metalized filter?



So I bought 2 sets because it looked like one set was briefly lost in the mail and this past week I got an email from Amazon that said one set I bought were "fakes."

  • Both sets have printing that matches legitimate manufactures.
  • The "legitimate" set have all black filters (not the metalized filters I am used to like Thousand Oaks Optical) the "fakes" have the metalized filters.
  • Both sets of glasses have the same transmittance as the Thousand Oaks filter material I use on my telescope and cameras.
  • The build quality of the "legitimate" glasses is quite a bit worse than the "fakes" with the two layers of paper being misaligned

So, what I suspect is that I actually received a crappy set of "real" glasses and a well made set of counterfeits, this seems in line with the press release made by the American Astronomical Scociety.^[0]^

Some of these newly identified counterfeits are indistinguishable from genuine Qiwei products and appear to be safe. Others look like Qiwei’s eclipse glasses, but when you put them on, you realize they are no darker than ordinary sunglasses. So, these products are not just counterfeit, but also fake –– they’re sold as eclipse glasses, but they are not safe for solar viewing.

So, did anyone get unlucky enough to get some 'real-fake' glasses? An did anyone get a set of legitimate glasses with the non-metalized filter?



Forbidden Fibers


In the ten years since I took this photo the trail has been abandoned and the tree has rotted away.


This will be the only chance I will have to see a total eclipse so I slapped together all the gear I own and made a dry run today. There were some wispy clouds that made things a little soft but it's better than the 400mm I used in 2017.


To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at your front door, because they're breaking into your home to steal your car. They don't want anything else.

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