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[–] [email protected] 49 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Da geht doch noch was. Komm, Fritz! Sag was Dummes!

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

It‘s important to note that this article talks about the protests on Wednesday and Thursday.

The much larger wave of protests happened over the weekend. For example, this article talks about between 6.000 and 13.000 participants in Berlin.

Today there were between 160.000 and 250.000 in Berlin alone, and many more in other parts of the country (detailed statistics are available here, though unfortunately only in German).

I hope we can keep up the momentum. There are enough right-wing opportunistic populists in power all over the world right now. We really don‘t need one in Germany as well.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 4 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

Die Zahlen gehen heute sehr weit auseinander. Die Polizei redet inzwischen von 80.000 Teilnehmern, während die Veranstalter von 250.000 sprechen. Die Wahrheit liegt meist irgendwo in der Mitte.

Edit: Inzwischen spricht auch die Polizei von immerhin 160.000 Teilnehmern.

Ich war da und kann sagen, dass es auf jeden Fall so voll war, dass man endlich mal wieder ein kleines bisschen Optimismus tanken konnte.

Ich hoffe, das Momentum bleibt bis zur Wahl erhalten und schlägt sich am Ende auch im Ergebnis nieder.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 1 week ago (1 children)

So war es laut dem Artikel auch:

Nach der bisher geltenden Rechtslage erstatten die Kassen derzeit nur Versicherten bis zum vollendeten 22. Lebensjahr derartige Medikamente.

Die Altersgrenze galt also nach oben und nicht nach unten.

[–] [email protected] 32 points 1 week ago

Ich war doch ein wenig entsetzt, dass das eine Nachricht aus dem Jahr 2025 ist. Ich hätte gedacht, dass das längst ganz selbstverständlich zur Versorgung der Betroffenen gehört.

Aber besser spät als nie.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Ja, das ist schon richtig. Ich sehe nur nicht, dass das am Ende den gesellschaftlichen Diskurs wieder in weniger extremistische Bahnen leiten könnte.

Ich möchte nicht sagen, dass Deutschland nicht dafür bestraft werden sollte, wenn es EU-Recht bricht. Ich möchte sagen, dass unbedingt verhindert werden muss, dass es überhaupt so weit kommt, weil ich mir nicht vorstellen kann, dass daraus irgendetwas Positives erwachsen könnte.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Ich wär da voll bei dir, wenn die Millionenstrafe Fritz persönlich träfe. Am Ende kommt das Geld aber nicht aus seiner Tasche oder wenigstens aus irgendwelchen schwarzen Koffern der Union, sondern aus dem Steuertopf. Es würde also vermutlich am Ende nur mal wieder beim Sozialstaat scheppern, bei dem dann entsprechende Einsparungen vorgenommen werden.

Zusammen mit dem zu erwartenden Gehetze von Rechts, dass die EU Deutschland mit ihren Strafen ausraubt, wären solche Sanktionen glaube ich nur kontraproduktiv.

Momentan sollte man wirklich alles daran geben, Merz als Kanzler zu verhindern, damit sein rechtspopulistischer Schwachsinn nicht langfristig zu solchen Situationen führen wird, bei denen am Ende nur die Rechtsextremen gewinnen können.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago

That really depends on the service you're looking at and what your needs are. Google probably offers the best all-round package, but depending on your needs, there are often times good or even better alternatives available.

As far as I know, address completion is supported by almost every alternative. At least I don't know of one which doesn't support that.

The quality of directions not only depends on the product, but also the method of transport you want directions for and the geographic region your targeting. For example, Google is, in my experience, very good for cars, but terrible for cycling. At least in Europe, OSM based maps generally include far more paths and details, which, combined with a good routing engine, results in better routes. I have made very good experiences with OpenRouteService.

For SteetView-like images you're unfortunately pretty much limited to Google or Apple. Mapillary exists, but, as it's crowdsourced, quality and coverage just aren't all that great.

I think that there's a good open alternative for most use cases of embedded maps available, as few of them really need StreetView or traffic-based routing. If that's the case, though, you're unfortunately stuck with Google or Apple.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago

Someone‘s probably just using those ports wirelessy!

[–] [email protected] 24 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

While this is definitely a great read and an interesting attack vector, I think the term „deanonymization“ is stretching it here.

As far as I can see, this attack would only let you determine which Cloudflare datacenter the target has been accessing. This would, in most cases, be one near the target, but it wouldn‘t get you a precise position or any personal information about the target. You‘d just get a pretty unreliable and very large radius of where your target might be.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

It‘s also worth mentioning that Monitor anonymizes your data before checking it for breaches.

So there shouldn‘t be any serious privacy issues.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Sorry, I'm not sure if I'm getting your point. I don't think anyone's asking anyone to leave their favorite genre for innovation's sake. I just think these games show, that customers are totally ready to spend money on innovative games, even if they're certainly rarer than less innovative titles. So I find it hard calling consumers risk adverse, in general.

I think they're just adverse to games which aren't fun, which could arguably be more common with more innovative titles, but, seeing Ubisoft's downfall over the past few years, I'd argue that samey, "safe" games seem to be very low the average consumer's fun scale as well.



I've enjoyed playing Guild Wars 2 on Steam Deck a lot over the past few years.

About two years ago, I've created a controller layout for the game, with around 84.000 hours of playtime across Steam's player base, alongside a video guide on how to get it all running.

Although both the guide and the controller layout are still usable, the keybindings are outdated by now and setting up the game can be a bit finicky.

So I've spent the last few weeks creating an updated controller layout, a dedicated website with information on playing the game on Deck, as well as a small application, which should make setting up the game easier:


The application is, of course, completely free and open source (GPLv3) and does the following things:

  • Downloading and installing the most recent version of my controller layout
  • Providing importable keybindings for that layout
  • Setting optimized graphics settings
  • Improving Steam's radial menus by importing game related icons instead of button glyphs
  • Updating everything of the above, when new features are available

There are video guides available for using the app and the controller layout, as well as an FAQ section, which I hope to expand whenever necessary.

Although I'm very certain that the app can't really break anything, I can only do so much testing with one Steam Deck and one Guild Wars 2 account. So I'd love to have some feedback on the whole thing. Does it work for everyone? Is it even useful? Did I overlook something important? I'd be very grateful for every piece of feedback I could get, be it positive or negative! Thanks in advance!

The updated controller layout is, of course, also available via Steam's Community Layouts as Nyankas v2, if you don't want to use GW2OnDeck, although it's missing the customized icons, as these can't be uploaded there.

TL;DR: Is the stuff on https://gw2ondeck.org/ Quality Armor or Foo?

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