Jeffrey Dahmer has enter the chat.
Every time I see this kind of post I just wish they would try to go to work in a +40 degree Celsius environment.
It must be nice to work in a place that won't mind if you arrive drenched in sweat.
Edit: I love the hive mind
Putting aside the idea that everyone can read the code and find/fix exploits, sometimes it's good to be open to vulnerabilities because you know where/what to fix.
Sometimes closed code it's exploited for years before the owner or general public finds out, and that leads to more problems.
And that dark time you could TELL THAT THEY PAID TV SHOWS TO TRY TO FORCE BING as a verb like we use google.
Kinda funny because nobody called it bing but suddenly all popular TV shows started to do it.
you should ask to remove the chopsticks
Yes I do dry them with a cloth towel, some things that trap moisture can't be washed like onions. Bananas for example usually skip them, if they have a small scratch/cut they tend to rot from the filtration tho.
My aunt used to have a tangerine tree in front of the house, she didn't mind if someone takes some fruit from it but what made us really mad is that eventually assholes broke branches to get them.
Lesson learned, just pines in front of the house.
Before covid some groceries (mostly fruits/vegetables) lasted 1 week or a little more. After that sometimes 2 or more, just today I cut a pineapple that it's 3 weeks old. I'm going to keep washing them.
And it's really nice to just open the fridge and just bite the apple w/o needing to wash it (again).
Dunno what kind of cramps but check Magnesium, it helps me a lot for when I workout