
joined 2 years ago
[–] phanto 2 points 2 weeks ago

I have a boox Poke 3, again, not quite the same. My workaround for the settings thing: install Lawn chair app. It's an alternative launcher, and for some reason, it lets me access all the normal android settings. I have modified my DNS settings on it, and connected to VPN that way. Might work on the Palma.

[–] phanto 9 points 3 weeks ago

That's it, I'm going to go find my Mandrake Floppies...

[–] phanto 2 points 3 weeks ago

I really liked the art style of the graphic novel. Worth reading. I know I saw the movie, but I don't remember anything about it, so... Probably not a good sign.

[–] phanto 3 points 3 weeks ago

Ack!!! !!! So excite! Much happy! I'm going to go listen to Once More With Feeling, right now!

[–] phanto 7 points 4 weeks ago

As a Godzilla fan, I'm offended.

[–] phanto 4 points 4 weeks ago (3 children)

Vi devus rigardi Incubus, kun William Shatner! Gxi estas tre stranga.

[–] phanto 5 points 4 weeks ago

Linux Mint Debian Edition: xfce, Firefox running, 12 tabs open, just under 3GB utilized. All my usual stuff open too, Telegram, Next cloud, etc.

I bet you'd be good with it and an SSD and a bit of swap. (I have no swap used.)

[–] phanto 1 points 4 weeks ago

Yup! PFBlockerNG. I thought the GeoIP thing from Maxmind was paid, since the setup asked for a license key. Nope, free. Just had to register.

[–] phanto 7 points 4 weeks ago was down for like two days because OVH had a PSU go on their host and they never responded to the support requests.

[–] phanto 7 points 4 weeks ago

So, I never had to try, it just always worked for me. But, a friend of mine once said that she got it to work by holding her finger up in front of her face, like a foot away, and then looking past the finger at something farther away. Then, back to the finger. Looking past her finger, she'd see two of the finger, but as soon as she was thinking about the finger, she'd focus again on it and start just seeing the one finger. The trick to the magic eye is basically getting to where you can deliberately focus past the finger and still look at it? I don't know, I just look and see the image. Once, someone made a fake one that had no image to try to mess with me. There's also a neat trick where you can immediately see the difference in side by side images by "magic eye-ing" them. The differences kinda flicker or glow, it's hard to explain.

[–] phanto 9 points 1 month ago

Yup, totally could. Loved that game. Would get the Meteor power, then erase the map!

Because of how it was coded, it was really hard to emulate. Haven't tried in years.

Magic Carpet also had red/blue 3d mode that worked pretty good!

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