I never do that. It's like 1 free upvote, why not
joined 2 years ago
looks interesting, but too bad it's not compatible 2 out of the 3 languages (Chinese, English, Japanese (only a bit)) I speak. I mean sure, I could just press the keys equivalent to those on a QWERTY layout, but that's probably not efficient.
Has your ability to type on a staggered keyboard taken a hit?
Mischievious is actually a common misspelling
That all large salty bodies of water were called "the mediterranean sea."
yes! Please seed more on i2p!
it's not, but they do anyway
holy shit for a moment I thought they meant the source on cats actually thinking this when their caregiver cleans up their poo
Yes, yes it did. I didn't understand that sentence until I saw this version with quotes.