
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

@[email protected] A tiny GameBoy! What else??

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

@[email protected] DoTT was Mac and PC only afaik. And yes, at least on the PC MM1 was included.


TIL there was an Apple II version of Maniac Mansion.

#retrogaming #maniacmansion

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

The cook‘s room gets a huge, detailed picture. However the only thing of note is a dumb waiter, through which we can enter the kitchen. However doing that unprepared will get us caught, ending the game. So we need something against the pepper…

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

In the Duchess’s bedroom we at least find a pair of slippers. Not sure what we need them for, but let’s take all we can get!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Carefully exploring the Duchess’s house, we find another playing card. But this one is stuck under a very heavy table. How could we get it out…?
Also, the duchess and the cook are battling it out in the kitchen, which involves a lot of pepper. So we can only stay a couple of moves at a time inside, before sneeze and are discovered.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

We finally arrive at the Duchess’s House. The illustration here is superb. It is a very nice animation of a fish delivering an invitation to the frog butler. How odd.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

The game is puntastic. You have to take many thing a quite literally. And were it not for the „items in room“ feature, we would miss a lot of things!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

Back in Wonderland with #magneticscrolls
We continue our exploration and find a well. We can’t take the rope, can’t use the winch, so why not climb down the well? Guess what: Alice doesn’t climb. She just falls. And yes, you can „die“ in this game. Well, you wake up, but the game is still over.
#interactivefiction #commodore #amiga

>Go Down You jump over the wall into the treacle well. Falling down here is much quicker than it was in the rabbit hole and it is only a matter of seconds before you come to sticky end. You wake up to find that you have rolled over in your sleep into a muddy patch on the ground. You have failed to complete your dream. Do you went to quit or restart?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago (6 children)

So we backtrack a little and come to some woods with a maple tree and a house. We also find a poster announcing some festivity by the Queen. Maybe this will count as an invitation into the palace?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago (7 children)

We manage to get into the Eastern Hall of the palace. But the guard here wants to see some ID, or it’s choppety-chop, off with your head. So we better leave…

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago (8 children)

As the tailor isn’t home we approach the palace. It seems to be massive. However guards are here, so I am not sure how far we will get.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago (9 children)

We start exploring Wonderland, which seems quite substantial. We start venturing towards the palace. The tailor‘s cottage looks nice. But sadly it’s locked and currently deserted.


Alright, here goes "Wonderland" by Magnetic Scrolls. While arguably less famous than #infocom, their titles were quite highly regarded. They came with a fancy windowing system of their own. We start off playing Alice, accompanied by her sister on a meadow.
#retrogaming #commodore #amiga500 #interactivefiction


I am trying to get OMF2097 to run on RetroPie with two no-name PS3 gamepads... The gamepads work fine in Emulation Station. They do things in DOSBox-pure. However both are mapped to the SAME keys. DB-Pure even has OMF2097 mappings, one using WASD and the other numpad. However it seems both controllers are treated as WASD. What am I doing wrong?
#retropie #retrogaming


2025 starts with a bang:

#retrogaming #commodore #vic20


I have to try this on my 286 with @[email protected]'s CGA Redux card:
#retrocomputing #retrogaming #cga #doom


Quick reminder: There are TWO excellent casual JRPGs on the C64: Briley Witch 1 & 2. Even for me as a newbie when it comes to CRPGs it was great fun. Lots of story, easy to get into, sane fighting mechanics.
The games are currently on sale:
#retrogaming #commodore #c64


New perspective


New update on Sarah Jane Avory‘s new CRPG #kouyate for the C64 with music by @[email protected]

#commodore #c64 #retrogaming


BBC: 1986 Computer Games



There’s a new GameBoy game called „Glory Hunters“. It’s a bit of Zelda-like, Action RPG. you can get it here:

#retrogaming #nintendo #gameboy #zelda


What’s your favorite #mastertronic game? What games did you spend your pocket money on?


Penguin Wars is a port to the #gameboy of the arcade game of the same name. It’s basically a variant of dodgeball with different animals. It’s fun for a while, however I think it is still quite limited. In the later rounds, if the opponent strikes you, it’s basically game over. So yeah, it gets quite difficult pretty quickly.
#retrogaming #nintendo #penguinwars

We won a perfect game, i.e. we managed to get all ten balls on to the opponent’s side.
The penguin was triumphant and beat both bat and rat on second and third place.

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