
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 184 points 1 day ago (6 children)

Personally, I think that the discussion around this will evolve as the news spreads, but I agree with Robert on this one. Sure, X/Twitter has become a less welcoming place than before, but shutting out a significant portion of your community without seeking their input first isn't a sensible move for such a foundational open source project.

Nah, I think I'm cool if Debian doesn't respect the input of Nazi sympathisers.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 4 days ago (4 children)

Anyone got a good tutorial/guide fir SystemD?

Figure I may as well try to wrap my head around it if it's supposedly going to murder me in my sleep or whatever.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 days ago (1 children)

This is why you backup your Firefox profile, kids.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 4 days ago

"I might need it later".

[–] [email protected] 10 points 5 days ago (1 children)

It's possible for an upgrade to break things and leave your system in an unusable state or cause your data to be lost.

However, that could happen at any time with no warning. Your hard drive could break, your charger could cause a short, your laptop could get stolen. If you have any files you don't want to lose, I'd strongly recommend you set up a backup asap.

In terms of whether to actually upgrade, Mint 20.3 stops receiving security updates in April so you should probably upgrade to 21 sometime before then.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 week ago

The control group was 37 people and the asd people were all recruited from the same place and were the same age (so genetic diversity is a concern).

I don't really trust the findings of this paper because of the same size. The article also leads with the "autism diagnosises have risen in recent years" dogwhistle...

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I've played this game and it's pretty fun.

But can we not do the "it's not Pokémon, wink wink" thing? It has a very different feel to Pokémon and equating all creature capturing games to being "pokemon clones" does a great disservice to the genre.

[–] [email protected] 89 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

He's just into war reenactment and also expressing that his heart went out to him (/s).

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Android backs up data to the cloud. If the phone breaks or gets stolen, you don't need to recover data from it - you can just pull it from Google's servers.

In addition, people tend to not treat their phones as "permanent storage". The concept of losing or breaking their phone is probably more clear, so they make sure to back it up in some way to the cloud or their desktop.

Also, it's much more likely for a phone to be stolen than a laptop or desktop.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (10 children)

There is a major downside to encryption: If you forget your password or your tpm fails and you've not backed things up, then that data is gone forever. If someone doesn't have anything incriminating or useful to theives on their device, the easier reparability might justify not enabling it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

I encrypt my home folder and Windows install just in case someone breaks into my house and steals my computer. Super annoying entering my password each boot though.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 2 weeks ago

He's trying to say "I'm attention seeking, look at me!".


So I'm over 100 hours in and I've just reached the point where I've made it above Aquilo's orbit.

However, I wonder if I spent too much time setting up a janky interplanetary logistics system rather than just using Nauvis resources for science. Also, Gleba spiders keep eating my base.

Figured I'd ask then... How long did it take before you touched down on Aquilo in your playthrough?


Got sent this, and the animation is actually quite well done for how simple it is.


It's fun, and well worth looking at if you like smash.


Been playing this game a bit. Can't comment on how good it is compared to actual battlefield, but I've been having fun.

Currently in (free) beta, not sure how long they are doing their playtest for though.


Interesting piece of webdev solving.


Stumbled upon this game and had fun with the demo. Might be up some people's alley.


Hey all, I'm British so I don't really know the ins and outs of the US healthcare system. Apologies for asking what is probably a rather simple question.

So like most of you, I see many posts and gofundmes about people having astronomically high medical bills. Most recently, someone having a $27k bill even after his death.

However, I have an American friend who is quick to point out that apparently nobody actually pays those bills. They're just some elaborate dance between insurance companies and hospitals. If you don't have insurance, the cost is lower or removed entirely. Supposedly.

So I'm just asking... How accurate is that? Consider someone without insurance, a minor physical ailment, a neurodivergent mind and no interest in fighting off harassing people for the rest of their life.

How much would such a person expect to pay, out of their own pocket, for things like check ups, x rays, meds, counselling and so on?


I recently played through a demo for a game called Pinball Spire on steam, and it put me in the mood for playing pinball games. Unfortunately, and I don't know if this is just due to me having bad google-foo, there don't seem to be that many on Steam that catch my interest.

So figured I may as well make a thread asking about what the "state of the art" of pinball video games is. Some of the ones I've played:

  • Sonic Spinball: Very janky, but very unique and I don't think I've seen anyone try to do anything similar to it.
  • Pokémon Pinball and Sonic Pinball Party: Fairly standard pinball games, tbh. They're both on handhelds so they can't do that much.
  • Demon's Tilt and Xenotilt: Just really fun feeling arcade pinball games with a really fun tilt mechanic.

So yeah, know any good PC or console pinball games?

Oh, and can someone help me: I vaguely remember seeing a stream of a pinball game for the Mega Drive/SNES where the ball goes through multiple tables. Does anyone know what that game was called, if it even exists?


So popped up in my feed and I had to find the full version. Sharing here because it's really nice.


Hydration is important.


So another thread ( ) got me wondering... How many people would want to move to another country?

Just to provide a concrete scenario, let's assume that in your current country you (magically) have a decent-ish job. They open up offices in another country of your choosing, and you have the option of moving there and work for an equivalent living wage.

They're able to get visas set up (however improbable that may be) for you and any family, but you have to go through the process of finding housing, physically moving your belongings and anything else you need to set up.

What countries would you take the offer to move to, if any?

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