No paywall:
I came here to ask just this, good to know
God I hope so much that they (and we) get another AN-225
I guess in places like deserts where you have tons of sunlight but hardly any water using photovoltaic to get water out of the air is probably feasable and cheaper than many alternatives.
Never has not been
I am on mobile rn so doing a big research is quite tedious but just looking up "ballet class home" or "home ballet workout" should get you tons of results. Of course you can add "beginner" to your liking :)
Probably not what you are looking for but...
If you are bored, do some home-ballet-workouts. Its amazing how it improves you perception of your body, how it improves the way you stand and walk and you will feel exhilarated afterwards.
Oh and go do some streches if you are into that kind of pain xd
Well I guess a lot can change with money...
The worse people are payed, the more they are prone to exploitation no?
Day 100 thats a milestone!
I never comment but seeing your screenshots every day has become a nice regularity <3
I mean the tutorial can be seen as the most important part of the game cause if it socks nobody is gonna play the rest
Thank you so much!