
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Yea the whole MB system works exceptionally well. Would just be nice if it extended to other countries, just Spain would be a huge improvement. I don’t really get how SPIN is different, I haven’t used it yet.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I would guess everywhere else in Europe too no? For non-Portuguese: Your supermarket probably has its own brand, eg Aldi Cola, Lidl Cola…

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Certainly the Caribbean island countries are all an odd choice, given their proximity, peaceful nature, and good relations with the US.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

Yea and this is exactly why so much of our payments and purchases are still giving IBANs out to do a homebanking transfer. MB WAY works really great here in Portugal but it’s useless in the whole rest of Europe. If this is going to really happen we need the ECB to make an app, or at least a standard for banks across the whole eurozone to adopt.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I can’t wait to legally acquire the physical UHD release! I definitely won’t be pulling the full blu-ray rip of it off Usenet or anything.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

She didn’t do anything wrong. A TN visa works by the Canadian professional showing up at the border with their job offer, and asking for en employment visa on arrival. Which is exactly what she did. Parts of the forms are then completed on site, by the immigration officer. Had she been refused for whatever reason, she should have simply been turned away. Not arrested.

Source: Have hired Canucks in the past to work on my team in California.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago

It would sure be a shame if someone submitted this email to

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Yes, basically

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Only western Europeans? I would think eastern Europeans are even more terrified of the implications of Trump being an obvious FSB asset.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Bourbon is really good though. It’s probably the only thing I’ll miss. Oh well.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (4 children)

American living in Portugal here. The only things from home I buy with any regularity are peanut butter (the crunchy kind) and bourbon. Pretty much everything else has an EU-made equivalent with way less scary sounding chemicals on the ingredient list.


Apparently this is the name of a construction/engineering firm here in Lisbon Portugal. Amusing coincidence


The main Fediverse community for Europe is located at [email protected] - please don’t submit many new posts to this sub on Lemmyworld. We are considering the board to be sunset and in a transition period for the next few weeks, after which it will be locked for new posts. Thanks.


Is there an equivalent to doing /u/user in The Bad Place, to notify and summon someone?


Just thought I'd share this since it's working for me at my home instance of, even though it's not documented in the Lemmy hosting guide.

The image server used by Lemmy, pict-rs, recently added support for object storage like Amazon S3, instead of serving images directly off the disk. This is potentially interesting to you because object storage is orders of magnitude cheaper than disk storage with a VM.

By way of example, I'm hosting my setup on Vultr, but this applies to say Digital Ocean or AWS as well. Going from a 50GB to a 100GB VM instance on Vultr will take you from $12 to $24/month. Up to 180GB, $48/month. Of course these include CPU and RAM step-ups too, but I'm focusing only on disk space for now.

Vultr's object storage by comparison is $5/month for 1TB of storage and includes a separate 1TB of bandwidth that doesn't count against your main VM, plus this content is served off of Vultr's CDN instead of your instance, meaning even less CPU load for you.

This is pretty easy to do. What we'll be doing is diverging slightly from the official Lemmy ansible setup to add some different environment variables to pict-rs.

After step 5, before running the ansible playbook, we're going to modify the ansible template slightly:

cd templates/

cp docker-compose.yml docker-compose.yml.original

Now we're going to edit the docker-compose.yml with your favourite text editor, personally I like micro but vim, emacs, nano or whatever will do..

favourite-editor docker-compose.yml

Down around line 67 begins the section for pictrs, you'll notice under the environment section there are a bunch of things that the Lemmy guys predefined. We're going to add some here to take advantage of the new support for object storage in pict-rs 0.4+:

At the bottom of the environment section we'll add these new vars:

  - PICTRS__STORE__TYPE=object_storage
  - PICTRS__STORE__ENDPOINT=Your Object Store Endpoint
  - PICTRS__STORE__REGION=Your Bucket Region

So your whole pictrs section looks something like this:

The actual bucket name, region, access key and secret key will come from your provider. If you're using Vultr like me then they are under the details after you've created your object store, under Overview -> S3 Credentials. On Vultr your endpoint will be something like, and your region is the domain prefix, so in this case sjc1.

Now you can install as usual. If you have an existing instance already deployed, there is an additional migration command you have to run to move your on-disk images into the object storage.

You're now good to go and things should pretty much behave like before, except pict-rs will be saving images to your designated cloud/object store, and when serving images it will instead redirect clients to pull directly from the object store, saving you a lot of storage, cpu use and bandwidth, and therefore money.

Hope this helps someone, I am not an expert in either Lemmy administration nor Linux sysadmin stuff, but I can say I've done this on my own instance at and so far I can't see any ill effects.

Happy Lemmy-ing!


Just thought I'd share this since it's working for me at my home instance of, even though it's not documented in the Lemmy hosting guide.

The image server used by Lemmy, pict-rs, recently added support for object storage like Amazon S3, instead of serving images directly off the disk. This is potentially interesting to you because object storage is orders of magnitude cheaper than disk storage with a VM.

By way of example, I'm hosting my setup on Vultr, but this applies to say Digital Ocean or AWS as well. Going from a 50GB to a 100GB VM instance on Vultr will take you from $12 to $24/month. Up to 180GB, $48/month. Of course these include CPU and RAM step-ups too, but I'm focusing only on disk space for now.

Vultr's object storage by comparison is $5/month for 1TB of storage and includes a separate 1TB of bandwidth that doesn't count against your main VM, plus this content is served off of Vultr's CDN instead of your instance, meaning even less CPU load for you.

This is pretty easy to do. What we'll be doing is diverging slightly from the official Lemmy ansible setup to add some different environment variables to pict-rs.

After step 5, before running the ansible playbook, we're going to modify the ansible template slightly:

cd templates/

cp docker-compose.yml docker-compose.yml.original

Now we're going to edit the docker-compose.yml with your favourite text editor, personally I like micro but vim, emacs, nano or whatever will do..

favourite-editor docker-compose.yml

Down around line 67 begins the section for pictrs, you'll notice under the environment section there are a bunch of things that the Lemmy guys predefined. We're going to add some here to take advantage of the new support for object storage in pict-rs 0.4+:

At the bottom of the environment section we'll add these new vars:

  - PICTRS__STORE__TYPE=object_storage
  - PICTRS__STORE__ENDPOINT=Your Object Store Endpoint
  - PICTRS__STORE__REGION=Your Bucket Region

So your whole pictrs section looks something like this:

The actual bucket name, region, access key and secret key will come from your provider. If you're using Vultr like me then they are under the details after you've created your object store, under Overview -> S3 Credentials. On Vultr your endpoint will be something like, and your region is the domain prefix, so in this case sjc1.

Now you can install as usual. If you have an existing instance already deployed, there is an additional migration command you have to run to move your on-disk images into the object storage.

You're now good to go and things should pretty much behave like before, except pict-rs will be saving images to your designated cloud/object store, and when serving images it will instead redirect clients to pull directly from the object store, saving you a lot of storage, cpu use and bandwidth, and therefore money.

Hope this helps someone, I am not an expert in either Lemmy administration nor Linux sysadmin stuff, but I can say I've done this on my own instance at and so far I can't see any ill effects.

Happy Lemmy-ing!


Just thought I'd share this since it's working for me at my home instance of, even though it's not documented in the Lemmy hosting guide.

The image server used by Lemmy, pict-rs, recently added support for object storage like Amazon S3, instead of serving images directly off the disk. This is potentially interesting to you because object storage is orders of magnitude cheaper than disk storage with a VM.

By way of example, I'm hosting my setup on Vultr, but this applies to say Digital Ocean or AWS as well. Going from a 50GB to a 100GB VM instance on Vultr will take you from $12 to $24/month. Up to 180GB, $48/month. Of course these include CPU and RAM step-ups too, but I'm focusing only on disk space for now.

Vultr's object storage by comparison is $5/month for 1TB of storage and includes a separate 1TB of bandwidth that doesn't count against your main VM, plus this content is served off of Vultr's CDN instead of your instance, meaning even less CPU load for you.

This is pretty easy to do. What we'll be doing is diverging slightly from the official Lemmy ansible setup to add some different environment variables to pict-rs.

After step 5, before running the ansible playbook, we're going to modify the ansible template slightly:

cd templates/

cp docker-compose.yml docker-compose.yml.original

Now we're going to edit the docker-compose.yml with your favourite text editor, personally I like micro but vim, emacs, nano or whatever will do..

favourite-editor docker-compose.yml

Down around line 67 begins the section for pictrs, you'll notice under the environment section there are a bunch of things that the Lemmy guys predefined. We're going to add some here to take advantage of the new support for object storage in pict-rs 0.4+:

At the bottom of the environment section we'll add these new vars:

  - PICTRS__STORE__TYPE=object_storage
  - PICTRS__STORE__ENDPOINT=Your Object Store Endpoint
  - PICTRS__STORE__REGION=Your Bucket Region

So your whole pictrs section looks something like this:

The actual bucket name, region, access key and secret key will come from your provider. If you're using Vultr like me then they are under the details after you've created your object store, under Overview -> S3 Credentials. On Vultr your endpoint will be something like, and your region is the domain prefix, so in this case sjc1.

Now you can install as usual. If you have an existing instance already deployed, there is an additional migration command you have to run to move your on-disk images into the object storage.

You're now good to go and things should pretty much behave like before, except pict-rs will be saving images to your designated cloud/object store, and when serving images it will instead redirect clients to pull directly from the object store, saving you a lot of storage, cpu use and bandwidth, and therefore money.

Hope this helps someone, I am not an expert in either Lemmy administration nor Linux sysadmin stuff, but I can say I've done this on my own instance at and so far I can't see any ill effects.

Happy Lemmy-ing!


Not sure if this is truly an issue with or just a general question about Lemmy, or maybe even my own instance, but this seems a fair place to start. On my home instance, for some reason all subscriptions to communities are perpetually stuck as “Subscribe Pending”, and I notice that not all of the posts and content have shown up. Is this something that should “eventually” resolve itself, or is there some action I should take on my end as the instance administrator? Thanks/apologies in advance.


Absolutely loving the app so far, and I'm impressed by the rollout speed, seems like every time I launch it, there's a new build with more feature completion. Keep up the amazing work!!

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