I would guess everywhere else in Europe too no? For non-Portuguese: Your supermarket probably has its own brand, eg Aldi Cola, Lidl Cola…
Certainly the Caribbean island countries are all an odd choice, given their proximity, peaceful nature, and good relations with the US.
Yea and this is exactly why so much of our payments and purchases are still giving IBANs out to do a homebanking transfer. MB WAY works really great here in Portugal but it’s useless in the whole rest of Europe. If this is going to really happen we need the ECB to make an app, or at least a standard for banks across the whole eurozone to adopt.
I can’t wait to legally acquire the physical UHD release! I definitely won’t be pulling the full blu-ray rip of it off Usenet or anything.
She didn’t do anything wrong. A TN visa works by the Canadian professional showing up at the border with their job offer, and asking for en employment visa on arrival. Which is exactly what she did. Parts of the forms are then completed on site, by the immigration officer. Had she been refused for whatever reason, she should have simply been turned away. Not arrested.
Source: Have hired Canucks in the past to work on my team in California.
Yes, basically
Only western Europeans? I would think eastern Europeans are even more terrified of the implications of Trump being an obvious FSB asset.
Bourbon is really good though. It’s probably the only thing I’ll miss. Oh well.
American living in Portugal here. The only things from home I buy with any regularity are peanut butter (the crunchy kind) and bourbon. Pretty much everything else has an EU-made equivalent with way less scary sounding chemicals on the ingredient list.
Yea the whole MB system works exceptionally well. Would just be nice if it extended to other countries, just Spain would be a huge improvement. I don’t really get how SPIN is different, I haven’t used it yet.