I dodged it as a youth, no point starting it now.
No, I am only one man, not more men.
You must be a hardcore alcoholic if you had to abstain for that long.
Uh, heftig... Die CDU sollt auch mal vom Verfassungsschutz geprüft werden.
Da musst du mir mehr Infos geben um den Witz zu verstehen^^
Ich schau bei der Deutschen Politik nur die Bundesliga.
At least over here (Austria) only biodegradable bags are allowed to be sold in this capacity.
But they are also not comparable to the old single-use plastic bags when it comes to plastic used, but rather comparable to a clingfilm around e.g. a salad.
Python sure has changed since I last used it.
Thanks! Seems to be the same worldwide. Over here the blue ones are for sale, the yellow ones are for use inside the IKEA.
Was the same here before they were banned.
Ich hätt ihnen nicht die Scheibe eingeschlagen, sondern sie einfach eingekesselt stehen lassen. So nach 2-3 Tagen wären die auch freiwillig rausgekrochen gekommen.
Um eine Flucht zu Fuß zu verhindern, hätte man das Auto auch in einen Container schleppen können.
In the EU single use bags cannot be sold anymore, so everyone now has some of what they call "bag for life". It's a similar material to the blue IKEA bags (if that's a thing in the USA).
They last really long and since the material requirements are basic as can be, they are usually made out of 100% recycled plastic.
... and that's why ÖVP members should be forced to relocate to Russia.