Japan's entire system is privatized no?
Fair doesn't mean a coin toss between who wins. It means that districts represent actual demographics.
I'm making no assertion about these maps in particular but just generally that forcing a 50:50 split doesn't make something fair if the split isn't there in reality.
The Democrats + Independents had this "super majority" for a very small amount of time and that's the only reason we even got ACA.
Americas problem is our democracy isn't representative and too many people who should be voting choose not to.
I can blame Obama and Dems for a lot but not this and I also can't discount all the good they've done.
You want better things get your friends, family, acquaintances, and neighbors to vote. Go canvas. Get an actual supermajority that stays around for at least a few years because that's what it now takes in our polarized country.
I am not a younger generation and am not being sarcastic. Body shaming men is just generally accepted but it's not okay to do that to anyone. There are plenty of other equally rude and more accurate ways to say someone is an insecure asshole. We should use them.
If you use a service from someone that depends on your tips and you don't tip them then you have exploited their labor. Not as bad as the company or CEO is but it's exploitation nonetheless.
It's truly incredible how ignorant you can be about this while also feeling you can talk down. I hope you one day take an actual real look at the very real and brutal housing issues around us.
Obviously not (yet?) available in the US but other countries have much smaller trucks with larger beds. https://www.kia.com/dm/showroom/K2700-2022/specification.html
That plus a 2200 lb hauling capacity make them a very capable, efficient, and reasonably safe truck.
Nahh that's misandrist and body shaming. This definition is better.
Since there are already buildings there and between zoning, tearing down existing buildings, building height limitations, parking minimums, moving tenants out, and possibly no net gain in units after new buildings are constructed what is accomplished?
Anyways miss me with the tone and do some actual investigation into this complexity.
2h is a long ass trip we've just been gaslit
NIMBYs care about all sorts of things and are staunchly against progress and housing the young and poor alike. This is entirely NIMBYism dressed up in progressive aesthetics and language.
To add some more realism to these numbers: