
joined 9 months ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Didn’t get through season one?

[–] [email protected] 25 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (3 children)

So Trump’s going to skyrocket inflation and debt again? Like he did last time and that this administration is finally in the late stages of cleaning up?

This happens basically any time a Republican president is elected. They shit all over the economy, tank it and finally when Democrats clean everything up these morons cry “I was better off under the guy that fucked up everything.”

I keep seeing everywhere that voters voted on the economy, yet no one seems to be pointing out the exhausting, blatantly obvious truth. It’s been happening for what, 20+ years now?

Republicans make a mess, Democrats are always forced to clean it up. So pardon me if I think the voters are idiots.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Same, this is sad news. I’ll probably end up hosting an instance myself on 1984.is but I wasn’t wanting to deal with the hassle.

I access everything over VPN and access Lemmy primarily through Mlem — I’d forgotten that the “Hot” sorting even existed.

Oh well, what else is new? Better to self-host your own services.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

The real trick is to move to a high cost of living area where you’re super near but can hardly afford to make it there as often as you’d like.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

This is a tough one. One way I sort of get around this is I buy the discs (if international) or rent them (domestic), but it’s probably so new and exclusive that it hasn’t been released on any rippable media.


I know typically people are happy with falling back one hour with this time change, but regardless which time change is happening I seem to lose all focus and drive at work for a good 2-4 weeks.

This happens when I travel as well and but my friends and family generally seem not to mind change in time.

Anyone have any interesting information on this? I’ve searched far and wide but it usually results in numerous (worthless) lighthearted “here’s what to expect”-style news articles.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

I think there’s some merit to this, I had blonde hair as a child and now when I go to the beach a lot during the summer is starts to lighten again.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

In my case Ruby was my next step. I tried to learn Python later on but it always felt like a step back. Unfortunately Python is much more popular though for some reason so YMMV.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I still love tech but only because I realize that it can actually empower us. The dark patterns that corporations use (for me personally and especially when it comes to customer service) are what ruin it, but maybe I’m still naïve.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

Not super grim, but I worked in a hot warehouse unpacking cheap clothing from China, repacking it and watching the owners turn around and sell it on Groupon for a huge profit. Sometimes their family members would stop by in brand new Mercedes, BMW and other high-end luxury cars.

The others and myself were all promised better jobs like product photographer, website designer, etc. I only lasted there one week.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Yeah, I couldn’t get past this. The turquoise was neither blue nor green but you’re forced to select one or the other.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

One of my chihuahuas does this too but doesn’t sneeze.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

I actually still crack up whenever I see unhinged.


My wife works in a workplace filled with drama. She wants to keep an archive of her work emails without forwarding them to herself.

She already has access to her work email (Exchange) from home, and we already know how to archive emails by exporting them from Apple Mail.

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 with Alpine Linux. Is there any command line utility that can connect to the email server as a regular client and manage archiving?


I’m a web developer but I also do tons of work with large files being transferred across the network, I do some CPU intensive tasks from time to time, run Docker containers, etc. all on a 2020 M1 MacBook Air with 8GB of RAM.

Well it’s 2024 now and the thing still screams. So what I don’t understand is: why are there suddenly so many enraged tech news websites bashing on the 8GB base RAM?

I get it that some people need more than just 8GB, but for the cliche web browsing, email and social media user it’s not adding up to me why anyone is so enraged about this.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

For the past few years I’ve been wrestling with Aeotec sensors (purchased because they seemed to be highly recommended everywhere). First it was spending weeks trying to get Z-Wave JS UI (nothing better than this??) to perform firmware upgrades, then replacing a Z-Stick 7 with an older version due to unfixable bugs in that, and now it’s on again / off again factory resetting and connecting the sensors back to the controller.

As time has passed my wife and I have essentially forgotten about automating anything based on temperature or presence. I replace the batteries in sensors from time to time (since they’re never not showing 100%) with no effect.

I ask because I’m planning on buying some Aqara devices that depend on WiFi. Preferably I’d like to use something other than WiFi since it’s usually the extremely congested 2.4 GHz band.


People complaining about the bot are worse than the bot itself. Every comment thread or post about it (probably including this one) inevitably turns into people debating the bot’s usefulness.

If you’re someone who hates the bot, do what everyone has already said 10 trillion times: block it.

All the comment threads and posts by users wanting to “take it down” solve nothing. Just stop. It’s so irritating having to scroll past millions of comments of the same tired debate.


I live in a major city with cable internet everywhere along with fiber in some areas (unfortunately not mine), but I’ve had multiple instances of carriers’ salespeople knock on my door selling 5G home internet service.

The reason this doesn’t make sense to me is 5G will always have a much higher latency than any wired alternative — it really only makes sense to sell this stuff in rural areas without the infrastructure. What’s more is the most recent carrier has a reputation for extraordinary coverage but their network is CDMA so their network speed is one of the worst in the city.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to sell this stuff elsewhere?


I’ve been using the CarFAX Car Care app/website for a long time but I’m looking for something better.

It would be nice to have something I can enter my car make/model into and have it suggest maintenance but also keep track of repairs. I like uploading PDF scans of receipts too; one thing that always bothered me about Car Care is the horrible, weird compression it does on those files.


Hey everyone, I’m looking to replace my router with a NanoPi R6S but want to do everything myself from Alpine Linux.

I’ve been doing a lot of research and it seems that the chipset and hardware are supported as of Linux 6.3, but looking at Alpine’s ARM documentation makes installation sound a bit more advanced than I’m used to (specifically, the partition layout and U-Boot are confusing to me).

Has anyone gone this route?


Basically, I’m running Tailscale on most of my devices and using subnet routing on a Raspberry Pi for non-Tailscale devices.

My problem is that while using an exit node streaming video from cameras in the iOS/macos Home apps is entirely too slow. I can see from App Privacy Report that it attempts to connect to my home network’s WAN address, so I’ve set up subnet routing to bring in any traffic to any of ISP’s networks through the Raspberry Pi at home (this also makes it possible to use said ISP’s streaming app on Apple TV as if I were at home).

I know that Home doesn’t connect to the cameras locally at all, because I can tear down all the Tailscale stuff and not see any traffic between the client and the camera on the LAN.

Has anyone have a clue how to go about configuring this? Thanks in advance!

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