C# .NET using reflection, integer underflow, and a touch of LINQ. Should work for all integer types. (edit: also works with char
// this increments i
private static T Increment<T>(T i)
var valType = typeof(T);
var maxField = valType.GetField("MaxValue");
var minField = valType.GetField("MinValue");
if (maxField != null)
T maxValue = (T)maxField.GetValue(i);
T minValue = (T)minField.GetValue(i);
var methods = valType.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredMethods;
var subMethod = methods.Where(m => m.Name.EndsWith("op_Subtraction")).First();
T interim = (T)subMethod.Invoke(
[i, maxValue]);
return (T)subMethod.Invoke(
[interim, minValue]);
throw new ArgumentException("Not incrementable.");
They have a vested interest in their borrowers not dying. This manifests as not lending to people at increased risk rather than any kind of protective or preventive action.