Been pretty happy with Matrix as an alternative. Anybody got a tl;dw?
I would say the massive number of companies is concerning but such is the nature of reversible payment methods. They can't just send money, they have to score how much to trust you and they try to pull in as much data as possible to make that score. Makes cash and cash-like payments all the more attractive.
What kind of device was this? I typically shop a lot for phones, choosing as stock android an experience as possible and I don't buy from carriers. Interesting that tape worked though, how does that kind of proximity sensor work?
I wonder what's the use case for most people for this? Testing VPNs? Choosing gaming servers?
"Forks and alternatives would have more visibility control than Mastodon, leading to privacy issues." Does anyone care to expand upon this as a problem? FOSS means forks are an option but I'm missing where the privacy issues come from.
Congrats to the team and all contributors!
Did it ever work? If so maybe try this from the apple support...
- Try a reset: Simultaneously hold down the Home and On buttons until the device shuts down. Ignore the off slider if it appears. Once shut down is complete, if it doesn't restart on it own, turn the device back on using the On button. In some cases it also helps to double click the Home button and close all apps from the tray before doing the reset.
- Try clearing the browser cache: Setting App > Safari > Clear Hostory and Clear Cookies adn Data.
Also, I don't have an iPad available but can you do this to get more info?
I'm coming to the conclusion that a key strength of the fedi is that AI/ML don't fit since there's no usage/addiction/advertising-based business model. Commercial enterprises can ramp up and develop super quickly while FOSS slowly follows to build sustainable alternatives. Your post makes me want to explore how to speed up FOSS in building and converging on those alternatives. Fedi TikTok for one sounds like it'd be a blast to build as does OPs idea.
That's written in base root 2.
To each sublemmy, their own. I'd complain to their mods first. Maybe offer a shorter one.
Try a binary search. Turn off half of your plugins, then the other half, then narrow down until you find the culprit.
Phones are a pretty important area to push for software freedom. Thanks for the article.