I’m tired of seeing the QB sneak on 2nd and 1 that’s the take a shot down and distance obviously a loss of yards is gonna make getting a first hard to get but we can’t win playing pussy
Other than coach and QB where are the chiefs better than the dolphins. With that said I feel like Ried sees his biggest fear on the sidelines next week in Suge AP and Crosby owns mahomes. I’m still pumped and like our chances of sneaking in the post season let’s beat KC
J. Plummer …… jack Plummer it’s fucking destiny draft him
Am I the only one that read jack jones off and laughed?
I’d wear a hoodie over a jersey
AOC with better protection would look different but he’s getting experience in the fire I feel good about next year and not having tondraft a qb
I’m outta liquor
We just trying to get DC going now that he’s good I expect us to play for TDs in the 2nd half
Defense has really been killing the bend don’t break ….. how many years will announcers use betting pundits all game
I’d say chiefs and broncos in a lower hated division and drop the 49ers Steelers and cowboys down to the hate division.
As a man with a back injury I’d say no he’s useless