Hell yeah brother. RNFL doesn't mean "Raider Nation as long as we are winning" like the Whiner and Queefs bandwagoners . Good, bad, sometimes REALLY bad...doesn't matter. There is no other team once you join the squad.
joined 1 year ago
Yessss. Thank you E-40 for making that the highlight and ender for many of my unsufferable Whiner family members. When they start talking shit about us and since we suck right now I have no real comeback but I can end any conversation with "Hey...bang bang Niner gang though" and everyone cracks the fuck up at them for that weak ass shit. Fuck the Whiners.
AOC needs some work on accuracy but hey I thought we were going to lose by a large margin. Play calling was wonky. Defense is looking really good. All in all a good game but shit outcome.