I had pulled it out, on extract when I got friendly fired. It was almost a TPK
joined 2 years ago
Then it should be past midnight if the pandemic is anything to go by.
Freudian slip: where you say one thing but mean your mother.
Being blindsided and then one shot is always fun.
Por que no los dos?
That’s why there are two.
Yep, but I just want to get the order over with so I can get on with gaming.
Alternate title: Nestle water monetization percentages
It was ok if you dropped an ems strike onto a couple bug breaches and then dropped as many 500kgs as you could doing the defend mission. Took 3 missions, possibly two if you took the Ems strike on the first one .
Alpine/mountain strawberries are well behaved and fruit all season long. The fruits are smaller though.