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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/surrealabode on 2024-01-23 06:39:05+00:00.
I'm well into adulthood and had this religious counselor that i saw for one year.. we had a cool relationship, but at times i struggled to trust her and it wasn't always easy to feel like she wasn't just using me for money.
she was a non-traditional counselor, and she often invited me to home dinners at her house with another client who was seeing her that was around my age.. and sometimes we had movie nights are her place, and went to the movie theater with her and a friend once too.
anyways, our meetings ended last summer, and we kept in touch a bit and in october she called me and left a voicemail saying that i'd potentially be able to move in and live with her and her family... they were in the process of moving, and she knew i was looking to live elsewhere many months ago...
i hadn't heard from her in a few months so this was a shocking surprise to hear... i was appreciative of the opportunity.. we also had plans to meet up about one month later in november..
during this time, in early november, she asked if my parents knew anyone who could donate to her new home, or if they themselves could, since it was going to be like an ministry home of sorts, i guess a portion of the house would take in people who need a place to say or something...
against my skepticisms, i politely asked my parents if they knew anyone who could donate, or if they could, and my parents politely declined... i told this to my counselor,
and a few weeks later, she told me that the house is no longer available, because there is no room for me... i thought maybe she found someone else to live with her, or if she no longer wanted me too.. and then i thought maybe she was using me for money, and then when i was no longer able to provide money, she told me i can't live with her...
that was probably a stretch and wrong of me to assume, but i shared that with her, and immediately she told me that she's cancelilng our plans to hang out.
and i tried to resolve things, and she refused to accept it because this was apparently the last straw with me having these accusations or trust issues with her... a few times earlier last year i had "accused" her of using me for money, when she's gone out of her way to be accomodating.
she said a couple weeks ago that she never wants to talk to me again.
so she went from inviting me to live with her, to saying she never wants to talk to me ever again... those are complete opposites, and she went all the way to the other end of the meter just because i had a small skepticism of thinking she might be using me for money...
and i genuinely had a change of heart a day or so later, God convicted me and showed me why her feelings were hurt, and i repented in my heart and and apologized to her over text... i apologized for not being trusting, and how i could see how that's hurtful.. and she has just ignored me.
she has refused reconciliation, and never wants to see me again.
who's at fault here?