Am I the Asshole?

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A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been...

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Mobile-Raisin-7987 on 2024-01-23 07:22:14+00:00.

Good Afternoon, all!

I hope everyone is having a great day.

Context: I have a 17yo little brother who has dealt with autism his whole life and it's been very difficult to find people who will look past his problems and just accepting him as a human. With that it's been even harder for him to connect with a girl and do the deed.

He turns 18 in August and I'm thinking about treating him to an hour or two at the lovely Gentleman's Club. No virgins in this family chief.

Question: Am I fucked up for even thinking about this or am I doing the right thing as an older brother and making sure I can help my little brother achieve everything he desires.

Can't wait for the comments haha :)

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Ok-Day-6722 on 2024-01-23 07:17:33+00:00.

So, little backstory; I do love my dad, but I don’t consider him to be a good person. He can be rude, misogynistic, short tempered, entitled and selfish. But he can also be kind and generous. I’ve had trouble with alcohol, because of a few bad things happened to me. This was during the time when my grandfather past away, my mother was already interstate preparing the funeral. I’ve found whenever I’ve done something wrong, he would always take it out on my Mom, even though she didn’t do anything wrong. He found a bottle of wine in my room and was very angry. With my Mom dealing with the death of her father, I didnt want him blaming her, so I did what I thought was right at the time: I told him why I drink. A year or so prior I was SA’d; I had a lot to drink that night, it didn’t matter I said no, they didn’t care. I had to push them off me for them to get the message.

Fast forward a few years later; we find out my father is having an affair, during the divorce he brought up a couple of reasons why the relationship ended; this was a document sent to be read by the judge. He included my SA. He said that I “ was told not to tell him and it impacted my mental health” ( not true, I begged my mother not to tell my father ) and he made the worst thing that ever happened to be all about him. He actually tried to use my pain to further his own agenda.

I hate that I still love him. I hate that I made things so much more complicated for my mother. I’m pretty sure I’m the asshole.

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Spiritual_Issue_2179 on 2024-01-23 07:15:49+00:00.

Honestly, I don't understand what's going on, and I need at least some help from the outside, lol. Maybe it would be better to post it on a relationship_advice, but I'm not sure because I'M LITERALLY CONFUSED.

There's not even anything to tell. My girlfriend (F23), Anya, is a lesbian, and I am (F25) bisexual. We've been in a relationship for about two years. Before we started dating, I was married to a man, and I have a little daughter. Anya... Well, I love her, but if you look at the truth, she is often infantile and moody, like a child, when she does not get what she wants. She knows I think so.

Yesterday I accidentally told Anya that I started watching a show that we used to jokingly hate together. She laughed and asked why, and I replied that "I saw a gif on Twitter with an actor from this show and suddenly I had a crush" I thought it was normal, we often threw photos of actresses/female singers to each other and joked about how hot they were, or just discussed different celebrities.

Well, this time Anya became hysterical almost instantly, and she cried the whole night. She said that (I quote) she "hates my fucking Twitter and my fucking show," and that if I was "still attracted to men," then I would leave her "as soon as I got a new dick." She also demanded that I introduce her to my parents, "because she was tired of dating a woman she didn't know anything about." I did not introduce her to her parents, because I grew up in a toxic family and long ago cut off communication with all relatives except my brother.

Let me remind you, all this happened because I said THAT I LIKED AN ACTOR FROM A TEEN DRAMA, whom I will never even see. I do not know, I am completely at a loss and I do not even know who to turn to for advice, because this situation is kind of surreal. Maybe I really said something wrong and I don't understand it?

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Sp0okySnixX on 2024-01-23 07:10:11+00:00.

I've (F) been friends with Lindsay for a few years now. We met in collage.

My first impression of their relationship was BAD. After class, her and me, along with some other friends (all male) went out for lunch. She offered to drive us all, on the way there she declined a call from bf, and sorta jokingly said "I'm not allowed to have men as passengers" we quickly said that if her bf was that controlling that wasn't a person worthy of being with. In the end, she spent half the outing crying in the restroom cause the bf got upset we all carpooled to the restaurant with her, and that included our male friends.

A while back the dude emotionally cheated on her, he was sending pics to a girl's DM. Not nudes, but flexing pics cause he's a gym rat of sorts and he wanted to hear other girls appreciate how big his biceps where lmao. The girl found out he had a girlfriend and told my friend and showed her the convo. She was extremely upset and I thought that was going to be the end. She broke up with him.... for a day, and then they got back together.

It's specially hard cause they're all up in each others lives. She works for him in his small bussiness. And he leases the work place from her family. In class, instead of listening to lectures and presentations shes working on stuff for said business cause he's always asking for it. She has skipped important classes to go work on things he deemed "urgent". And I don't think they're drawing a line on whats relationship and whats profesional, that's why she went so long without pay.

She has told me like 4 times in the time we've been friends how unhappy she is with him. The most recent was a few weeks ago at a party. I'd say we were tipsy, still fully conscious but chattier than usual. she said, "oh I was just thinking about how sad I am about hiding part of my sexuality cause I'm with bf, and that I wish I were single to explore more on that" we were dumbfounded cause what does one even reply to that. She continued "I don't know what to do" and I said "seems like you do tho" and she said "break up with him? I don't think I can, like, I want to and I know I want to... but I don't think I'm capable of actually doing it" and that fucking broke my heart.

I have zero control over her life, and while I believe people should make their own choices, this feels weird. What if she ends up stuck with him forever? What if I try to help her by saying something but she takes it the wrong way? They're so codependent I don't even know if it's possible for them to become individuals again. They´ve been together for 5+ years so it seems more unlikely as time passes, but she's so vocal about it all that I hope she's just psyching up to gain courage and go through with it.

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Grandmabudussy on 2024-01-23 07:06:13+00:00.

I have a friend (Katie) who was recently diagnosed with autism. In order to understand the rest of the story you need to understand the background. Katie has struggled with self hurt since an early age, she was made fun of for her weight and looks during elementary. She is as of right now still made fun of for being emo and being overweight. Katie has a really dry sense of humor too but it's usually directed at other people she makes jokes about others' looks, hobbies, passions, family life, and basically anything about them.

She has made many of my friends cry and never apologized. She never directs jokes at herself though, so I think she may be projecting the insecurities she developed in elementary onto others. She is very upfront when she doesn't like someone, there was this other girl with autism who always wore an anime sweater and she said something along the lines of "I hate her, she's weird and ret*rted" and made my friend cry by telling trying to imply my friend wanted to show off her honors/AP classes to others when she was just asking what they were doing in Chemistry, sure it's annoying but it's not worth making someone cry over.

I actually can not fathom how Katie exists she has no empathy for anyone, no sense of boundaries, and such a disregard for others. Today was my final straw. Katie and another girl (Allie) think I'm stupid and can't tell that I know they view me as lesser than them. Allie also has some of the same traits as Katie but to a lesser extent. Today they made fun of being for playing basketball saying how sports suck and how those on the freshmen team just suck and should be cut (I'm not freshman basketball but I have friends on the team). Then called my presentation for my English class "infamously bad" It definitely was not my best work but it wasn't bad by any means also they just didn't understand (it was a presentation on how women in media are mistreated). Then Katie started trying to make it seem like I just didn't understand basic human rights trying to make it say like I said all women were whores and whatever. I want to confront Katie about how that made me feel and just try to explain to her how making fun of my passions hurt me. She has apologized to me once, in the 7th grade for ghosting me. I always try to forgive people but I just don't know anymore and I want to get it off my chest before my birthday (in a week). AITA?

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/ndude60 on 2024-01-23 07:00:20+00:00.

My friend and I had this long-standing tradition of going out for drinks and watching UFC at his place. My friends girlfriend always joined us for drinks and then went home because she was tired.

Things got complicated when his girlfriend, who isn't into UFC, started wanting to join us and tell him to send us home and go to bed with her.

The real issue arose when he started inviting his friends over for UFC nights at his place, and asked his girlfriend if it was ok, and she would say it was ok, but would change her mind at the last minute, causing a lot of tension for everyone who was there. This became a regular occurrence, and even though we accepted it, it created frustration.

The tipping point happened during her birthday celebration when my friend invited me to come and watch UFC. Despite her telling me it was ok and she wanted to go home. She later accused me of ruining her birthday because I went to my friends house after being invited and being told by her it was fine. She started an argument with me and I argued back that I had offered to go home multiple times in the taxi, but didn’t because she insisted it was fine for me to join.

It escalated with her blaming me for the situation, and my friend ultimately sided with her, leading to me being kicked out.

I feel like I didn’t try to do anything wrong and offered multiple solutions to the problem that she ignored.

I haven’t spoke to either of them since. And fear losing the friendship entirely.

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Organic-Sandwich-365 on 2024-01-23 06:56:51+00:00.

To get this straight, my girlfriend has a FEMALE friend who has an Ex, we'll call Hill Cam, well my GF has known Cam for less time than me and recently they hangout together just the two of them. I told her I'm not comfortable with it but fine as I don't wanna be controlling and I thought they'd just catch up over coffee, they ended up going on a boat ride together, swimming, sitting on the beach talking for hours and then the kicker she said she wanted to go back to his house to see a movie. which I then AGAIN mentioned I'm not comfortable with any of this (feel I have to note, this guy has made sexual remarks towards her and her female friend once before) she ends up going to see the movie anyway because she tells me it'll be a group thing. I say "fine baby, when will you be home" (we do not live together but plan to) she said "idk we're just picking a movie now" 10:40 PM mind you, (she has work the next day). I text her to say "let me know when you get home safe xx" I then didn't here from her again until morning, mind you I was up all night waiting because surely she wouldn't stay the night. She had said she's sorry but she fell asleep on his sofa, and that he'll be driving her to work and we can talk about it later, so I wait, and she tells me she forgot her togs at his house and needs to go get them, I offer to drive her there myself and we can talk in the car. (I have a suspended license unfortunately for the next week) she says oh he's gonna pick me up then take me home. I say ONCE AGAIN I'm not comfortable with that and I knew he'd wanna do that. (She's says "he's my friend", I think he wants her sxally) anyway the day comes to end he picks her up takes her home, done, now I ask to call her and she says we can talk later I've been waiting for 3 hours, we have a trip away in 2 days. I love her, I know she didn't cheat on me, I know she doesn't see it the same way I do, but it felt like she went on a date with the guy right in front of my eyes, I feel betrayed, but don't wanna tell her this as i feel like she'll turn it on me to say I'm being insecure or calling her a cheater. AITA? Idk what to do it hurts and I love her too much to just let her go, we've sat down and talked about boundaries before. It feels like I've been doing my best to stick to hers but it's like she just broke one of mine.

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Commercial_Camp641 on 2024-01-23 06:47:08+00:00.

So it was an ordinary day and all my friends were there and I was hanging out with one called Kai more than another called Evie. At the end of the day, Evie texted me and called me a traitor for hanging out with them and said they wouldn’t be my friend if I were friends with Kai. So I said I would try to stop hanging out with them. I tried and I tried and I tried until I went to a bouncing place. During it, Evie texted me calling me a lying piece of shit. So I texted them saying I tried to not hang out with them but they didn’t believe me and now I’m having an existential crisis. So what do you think AITA

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/No-Commission5714 on 2024-01-23 06:43:47+00:00.

I [17f] dated a guy from 15 to 16 who was extremely toxic to me and left me traumatized: he manipulated me, cheated on me, left me feeling ugly and with trust issues, etc.

I recently started dating a new guy who’s been great, he is very very sweet and caring. I’ve been opening up to him about some of the things that I dealt with in my past relationship, and this resulted in him getting very angry for my sake and wanting to have an altercation with my ex.

I think this is a horrible idea, not just because that’s immature, but also because my ex would easily win. They’re both about the same height, but my ex was crazy about Muay Thai and trained 5-6 times a week. Plus, I just think temperament wise my boyfriend is just very friendly, kind, the type of guy who doesn’t have a ‘killer instinct’ and my ex is the type of guy who was always good at figuring out peoples weaknesses and using them.

He keeps saying he wants to confront my boyfriend, and I’ve been dissuading him, but he keeps on insisting, so I told him bluntly that if he does, he will lose.

He’s very upset and told me that he feels hurt and emasculated, and hasn’t talked to me since. AITA?

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/wearswool on 2024-01-23 06:40:46+00:00.

I don’t have a relationship with my mother and I want to be in my siblings lives and they live in AZ.

It’s expensive for me to travel because I have a dog and have to pay for a hotel.

I told my 18 year old brother to save his money and come hang on his bday with me in LA.

He’s buying his own round trip train ticket and I told him to bring cash.

I’m going to supply him with a place to crash and meals but I don’t have extra money to go to say like a themepark and cover his ticket and mine get me?

By the way I got him a Xbox Series X for his bday since he still had the last generation Xbox One so it’s not like I’m being cheap but I don’t have money to buy his ticket, pay for his activities, pay for food and still buy the Xbox.

In the past I covered all the expenses but money is tight right now.

I actually feel guilty about this.

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/surrealabode on 2024-01-23 06:39:05+00:00.

I'm well into adulthood and had this religious counselor that i saw for one year.. we had a cool relationship, but at times i struggled to trust her and it wasn't always easy to feel like she wasn't just using me for money.

she was a non-traditional counselor, and she often invited me to home dinners at her house with another client who was seeing her that was around my age.. and sometimes we had movie nights are her place, and went to the movie theater with her and a friend once too.

anyways, our meetings ended last summer, and we kept in touch a bit and in october she called me and left a voicemail saying that i'd potentially be able to move in and live with her and her family... they were in the process of moving, and she knew i was looking to live elsewhere many months ago...

i hadn't heard from her in a few months so this was a shocking surprise to hear... i was appreciative of the opportunity.. we also had plans to meet up about one month later in november..

during this time, in early november, she asked if my parents knew anyone who could donate to her new home, or if they themselves could, since it was going to be like an ministry home of sorts, i guess a portion of the house would take in people who need a place to say or something...

against my skepticisms, i politely asked my parents if they knew anyone who could donate, or if they could, and my parents politely declined... i told this to my counselor,

and a few weeks later, she told me that the house is no longer available, because there is no room for me... i thought maybe she found someone else to live with her, or if she no longer wanted me too.. and then i thought maybe she was using me for money, and then when i was no longer able to provide money, she told me i can't live with her...

that was probably a stretch and wrong of me to assume, but i shared that with her, and immediately she told me that she's cancelilng our plans to hang out.

and i tried to resolve things, and she refused to accept it because this was apparently the last straw with me having these accusations or trust issues with her... a few times earlier last year i had "accused" her of using me for money, when she's gone out of her way to be accomodating.

she said a couple weeks ago that she never wants to talk to me again.

so she went from inviting me to live with her, to saying she never wants to talk to me ever again... those are complete opposites, and she went all the way to the other end of the meter just because i had a small skepticism of thinking she might be using me for money...

and i genuinely had a change of heart a day or so later, God convicted me and showed me why her feelings were hurt, and i repented in my heart and and apologized to her over text... i apologized for not being trusting, and how i could see how that's hurtful.. and she has just ignored me.

she has refused reconciliation, and never wants to see me again.

who's at fault here?

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Complex_Sail954 on 2024-01-23 06:38:30+00:00.

My ex best friend liked this boy let’s call him “jacob”One day in class she told me that she thought jacob was cute i didn’t pay much attention but i knew him and her had been friends for quite a while this was in 2nd quarter of the 1st semester Fast forward to 3rd quarter 2nd semester my ex best friend asked me if i thought jacob was cute at this point in time i forgot she liked him so i said yeah he is ok and she got silent.I was wondering why did she ask me that question but i shrugged it off and for the next 2 weeks she kept on asking me if i liked him or that he def likes me and other stuff like that then one day i get a text from my guy best friend he said” i have someone who wants ur number can i give it to them?” i asked him if it was one of his friends because him and jacob are friends he said “ idk you will have to figure it out” so i said “ok well give me this guys number I text the number saying hello? and i get a response saying is this “my name” and i say yes it is but it get to the point and im like who is this? he said let me tell you what i want to tell you first he told me he liked me and he has liked me since the start of the year(etc)and he reveals himself it’s jacob i said i think your cute but let’s get to know each other first after me and him stop talking for a bit the first person i called was my ex best friend i said omg omg u we’re right jacob dose like me! she got silent and asked” are y'all dating” i said idk she hung up a few minutes later i text the group chat it had my main friend group in it it had 5 people including me and my ex best friends i said “ hi” then one of my friends lets call her emma she said “ fuck you my name” i said “what did i do?” she said yk what you did” i honestly didn’t know what i did at the time then my ex best friend leaves the group chat then a few min later my friend lets call her tay she asked me if me and jacob were dating i said idk and after tay said if yall were would you tell us i said no she said ok and wouldn’t answer my questions.Later that night i get a call from my ex best friend and someone who’s number i don’t have saved is in the call so first i ask who that is and she said it doesn’t matter at this point im just listening to her talk and im trying to figure out why i made her upset so she said im “fake” because im dating her crush so i said i forgot u even liked him and she said your also a whor because i apparently dated emma’s ex which i never did and that i pry secrets out of all my friends” she also said that im a bad friend because i wouldn’t tell them i me and jacob were dating i told her im not obliged to tell her everything i also need privacy i hung up on her for the next few weeks she would talk bad abt me and at one point i was tired of it so i started dating her “crush” jacob, was in the plan too but i genuinely had feelings for him she bullied me it made me upset so i kissed him in front of the whole class and all of my ex friends looked at me with shock

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/zombiegh0st13 on 2024-01-23 06:33:02+00:00.

for as long as i can remember my aunt has seemed to just not like me or have something against me. she would invite my brother and all our other cousins to her kids party's, but not me. she has made things like hats and stuffed animals for her kids and my brother, but nothing for me. she has called my mom during times where i've stayed a couple days or so at her house and told my mom that i'm an awful disrespectful kid when the worst i could've done is maybe not put away some legos or forgotten to put my dishes in the sink. she has told my mom i'm "disgusting" because i've always had a hard time with self care and keeping my room clean as i get distracted easily and can forget to do those things. she doesn't acknowledge me much at family gatherings other than to try and get me to go outside or to a different room with my cousins. she used to constantly put me in time outs when i was younger but i can't really remember her doing this to any of the other kids. i've tried for years to try and remember something that i've done that could have made her treat me like this. any trouble that i may have gotten in to has been something that's been the idea of one of her kids. i have been thinking about messaging her and asking her to explain why she treats me the way she does, but i'm worried it'll cause unnecessary drama or that i'm just overthinking everything and being dramatic. so i'm really not sure what to do.

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/throwawayacct057 on 2024-01-23 06:32:38+00:00.

My girlfriend and I are both in college at the moment and we have been dating for almost a year. We each have our own separate apartments, but for the past several months we’ve only been staying at her apartment. We don’t see each other during the winter and summer breaks because we live in separate towns so we have to do long distance.

After this past summer break, I stayed over at her place several nights then she stayed over at mine. Eventually, it got to the point where I was just staying at her apartment every single night. Last semester, I felt like this was negatively affecting both of our schedules and our academics. I felt like we overindulged and stayed up/slept in too much. So when I first said that I wanted to sleep at my apartment on my own, she broke down and said that I hated her apartment and that I didn’t want to stay there anymore. I tried reassuring her that this wasn’t the case, and that I wanted to stay at my own apartment after it’s been so long and I thought my overall life balance was getting sloppy. I ended up staying at her place again that night. Since then I have tried a couple more times to sleep at my own apartment, even inviting her over to stay with me. But each time I try this, she either has a breakdown or gets really upset and says things like I don’t care about her, or that she feels like a second or third option, or that I always look miserable with her. It has even gotten to the point where she said she wanted to die and I panicked and tried my best to calm her down. I had also proposed sleeping at our own places during the week and sleeping with each other on the weekends but she really didn’t like that idea either.

Recently when I was sleeping with her at her place, I had some issues sleeping due to some health conditions. So when I told her I planned on sleeping at my place because I felt like I could treat my health conditions there better, she got upset and said I don’t like to spend time with her.

I understand how she can want to spend a lot of time with me because we don’t see each other over break, but I feel like we can still spend a lot of time without sleeping together every night. She’s also worried that we will see each other less after college, but I’ve told her that we can make it work, we still have so much time, and we can eventually sleep with each other every night if we get a place together and/or get married. Overall, it stresses me out knowing I can’t comfortably sleep in my own apartment without making her upset or sad. AITA?

TL;DR: I have been staying over at my girlfriend’s apartment for several months, and when I try staying at my apartment she gets upset.

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/CaptPickul on 2024-01-23 06:27:53+00:00.

On mobile forgive any errors. I (m) (ages don’t matter), work in the disability industry in a group home. We recently had a new worker join our house (f, not new to industry). I have worked with her on two shifts. First shift I thought she was fantastic, fresh faced, bubbly and attentive; everything you need in a coworker. Second shift she was shut in the office with the door closed for an hour and 20 minutes after I started my shift. The rest of the shift was her on her phone, quiet, barely talking to clients and staff, moving between the office, lounge rooms and kitchen. She was entirely unapproachable and reserved and did not communicate what she needed if anything. She is also very frequently calling in sick to many shifts - I don’t have an issue with using personal leave, but our industry is very understaffed so finding replacements is difficult; so I now see her as unreliable. Among the rest of the staff we talk about everything, other staff included, everyone talks about everyone; it’s just the way the industry is. We all want to know what everyone else’s experience is with each other so we can aim to work better, and also to know if they are good to the clients. Anyway it got back to her that I was “gossiping” about her, and she took great offence, called our manager crying etc. Keep in mind we all talk about each other. More context is that I have never bought her up in a conversation, as I don’t know her well enough to initiate any conversation about her with others. But when I’m in that situation I talk about my experience with her; the positive and negative; always my truth. So now I’m in mediation with her and my manager and I want to know if what I did is deserving of an apology. However, I do not believe it’s possible for me to only not talk about her in conversations involving other staff when we talk. So AITA that I talked about her with my other coworkers?

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Yahde372 on 2024-01-23 06:27:22+00:00.

My(19m) dad’s company imports machines and equipments for the bakery and food business. One of the suppliers and her daughter ‘Angie’(18) arrived in our country two days ago. Dad initially wanted to talk to his supplier on day of arrival but the jet lag was a lot and she was also tired after the flight(10 hours from Italy to our country).

Yesterday, he and the supplier had me take her daughter to dinner while they talked business. Dad gave me a credit card, told me to take Angie somewhere nice. Angie wanted to try our cuisine so I took her to a hotel restaurant(not the same hotel she and her mom are staying).

Now, I did warn her that the green curry is spicy but she just smirked and said ‘I can handle it.’ What happened was she spat out the first spoonful in shock. I told her coconut water can help and she quickly ordered that.

She was still mad at me afterwards though, saying I didn’t stress exactly how spicy it was. Said that I should have been more descriptive and warned her properly.

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/This_Tangelo7333 on 2024-01-23 06:07:42+00:00.

I (M54) have a daughter, F(19). For her 19th birthday my parents (who are significantly well off, and she remains much closer with) bought her a car. This was her first car. They bought it without informing me, and it appeared without me knowing about it's existence. This isn't an old, cheap car either. It was a brand new Bronco. My car is ten years older than it. My daughter went back to college about four months later, and now I didn't have to drive her. We don't talk much. She stays with my parents when she visits.

However, two weeks ago I found out that my daughter hit a bunch of traffic cones, and now is having to get a bunch of repairs. I was furious. She shouldn't have had the car in the first place. Anyways, her grandparent's insurance gave her a rental and I decided that she didn't need the rental while she was home. So I confiscated the car keys. She needs to learn something since she isn't paying for the car, the insurance or anything. I told her she could get the keys to the rental back when she pays me for the insurance, and when her car is done. She ended up calling my parents, and they are upset.

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/fatzgenfatz on 2024-01-23 06:06:21+00:00.


I (43m) like to play video games. Last game I played was Witcher 3, now I'm playing Days Gone.

I work full time and just have about 1-2 hours after work to play (not even every day). I just don't have the will or the time to run around for hours and collect different plants and/or materials to build weapons or other useful things.

So I started using cheats for my games so I have unlimited ammo, unlimited health and so on.

A friend of mine told me that I shouldn't play those games if I dont't play them "right", it would be unfair to the developers who thought about game mechanics and so on.

But I just want to enjoy the story of the game and kill a lot of zombies on my way. It helps me to unwind from my job and I don't wanna be frustrated when dying for the 20thst time.

And because these are single player games I have no unfair advantage to other players.

AITA for using cheats?

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Antique-Captain-2593 on 2024-01-23 06:00:16+00:00.

I am a freelance science writer. For the past ~6 months I’ve been working with a client to review and update some educational materials. As far as I know, they have been happy with my work - I have a friendly relationship with the primary client, and I’ve only received only positive feedback throughout the job.

About a week ago, I inadvertently discovered several instances of plagiarized text in their materials. I wasn’t actively looking for this, but happened upon it while reviewing reference material. I debated about whether to say anything, but ultimately decided that it was my ethical duty to call it out. I sent a carefully worded e-mail to the client, letting her know what I discovered. I made it clear that I wasn’t trying to accuse anyone and didn’t want to make a big deal, but felt like it was my responsibility to let her know about it. I also said that I would rewrite those sections to remove the plagiarized text.

A couple of days later, I received an email from this same client telling me that they would be “slowing down” their work with me. No explanation was given, and I was quite surprised since we are only about halfway done with the proposed updates. Now I’m wondering if I made the wrong choice by bringing up the plagiarism issue. I appreciate that, as a freelancer, I shouldn’t be putting my nose in their business or questioning their methods, but I still feel like reporting it was the right thing to do. So, did I make the wrong call? Was it an AH move to report this issue to a company I don’t technically work for?

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/unhabitable_habitat on 2024-01-23 05:57:12+00:00.

I have been arguing with a lot of my family lately today was my sister Annabelle she never does anything for me and has all the power in our relationship so I decided that I’m not gonna listen to whatever she says. I’m no longer going to follow her every demand. So when she asked me to gather our laundry and put Rubin the kitchen I said she could do it herself. We got into a heated argument and I ended up just drying what was in the washer and washing her clothes. I was about to go to bed when my mom yells talking about towels. ( the towels that I put in the dryer) I was confused and I said I dried them. Then she started cursing and insulting me. And I didn’t understand because I didn’t notice any stench to the towels and they were wet so I assumed they could go into the dryer. Little did I know my dad used them to clean up a leaking mess. She then yells at me telling me I’m worthless and I shouldn’t dry random clothes and I should have SMELLED THEM. I then tell her that it’s insane to smell clothes and if they were left there and smelt bad I would have noticed. Also I had no pants to wear and HAD to do something because she was upstairs sleeping. AITA for drying towels?

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Cute-as-duck-888 on 2024-01-23 05:54:51+00:00.

AITA? Throw away account for obvious reasons. I was MoH for a July 2024 wedding. I told the Bride, I can’t be in the wedding and haven’t provided any more details. My announcement resulted in over a dozen other guests that I know, thanking me for starting the drop out, because they weren’t going or planning on being in it. Now they don’t feel as guilty.

I was asked to be MoH and I was happy at first. I wasn’t very close to the bride but I liked her. We had a lot in common, or so I thought.

I went to the first engagement party and the people looked so uncomfortable and unwelcoming. No one looked genuinely happy. They all looked nervous! There were people missing from both the bridal party and groomsmen.

The bachelorette party was scary too. Again, no one seemed thrilled to be there. Some women in the bridal party were late or no shows.

The bride and groom are locked in a toxic relationship. The bride cheats on the groom without any remorse and she wonders why he’s depressed.

The Bride and Groom have had all sorts of different therapists for various reasons. All sessions point to incompatibility.

The groom won’t tell the bride that his secrets that he shared with groomsmen. The biggest reason they should absolutely not go through with this. Now, he has openly developed a serious drinking and drug problem.

I can’t support this. I really can’t support any of this. They want to know why I made this decision. Others have lied stating it’s financial or they’re on vacation on their wedding date. AITA for not explaining why I left? The bride is a very emotional woman.

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Affectionate-Low-599 on 2024-01-23 05:54:50+00:00.

My SIL decided about 3 months ago that she wanted to leave her husband & asked if she could stay with us until she got an apartment. She had a job she started within a week & was supposed to put her kid in daycare the following week. I’m a SAHM so I agreed to watch her kid while she worked until she got him into daycare. With help from her mom, this was only supposed to take her a month all in all. My husband & I have 3 kids & live in a 3 bedroom home so this was a lot for us to take on.

3 months later & she’s quit the job, is bouncing back & forth between staying with us & her “ex”. Her kid is 4 & isn’t on any sort of sleep schedule. He just whines all day & night. My kids have school so they have a bedtime but it’s hard for them to sleep when her kid is still being extremely loud. She’s a terrible house guest- never cleans up after herself, comes & goes at all hours of the night & not locking the doors back, POOPING WITH THE HALLWAY BATHROOM DOOR OPEN, goes to sleep in mine or one of my kids’ beds without asking, she starts drinking & leaves me to deal with her kid all night, I could go on & on. It’s causing a lot of problems in our family. We’re all so uncomfortable.

She makes comments about how much she loves in here bc she can just be a kid & im the mom. I truly believe she only stays here bc she’s tired of the responsibility that comes with having a kid, home, etc.

Would I be the asshole for asking her not to stay here anymore? & if not, how do I (people pleaser 🥴) ask her not to?

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Infinite_Step3417 on 2024-01-23 01:57:44+00:00.

I 37f have a daughter Mia 15f. Mia is very forgetful/irresponsible when it comes to school. She is barely on time/late to school most days even though we live a 10 minute walk away. She will do homework last minute and often ask for extensions with work.

She had a tendency to remind me to pay for school related things like lunch money, just before I’m going to bed, or that she needs to take something into school so can we run to the store and quickly get it.

Last month, I went on a wild goose chase to help Mia locate ingredients for her home econ class, after she told me at half 10 she needs xyz ingredients and she just checked the fridge and we don’t have it.

She was reading the ingredients of an email, and when I saw it was dated a week prior, got annoyed Mia couldn’t have told me before when we did the big food shop for the family.

I told her the next time she needs something for school to tell me the day she gets told or the day after latest, or I will not be helping her out.

My husband has stopped helping Mia with her last minute requests and calls me a pushover for helping her out, but when she asked today to put down the deposit for a school trip I put my foot down.

Mia has known since the start of the school year she had a school trip to Germany. Her school sent an email out two months ago asking for deposits for kids to secure their place on trip. It’s is about 150, and Mia asked me today to pay as the deadline is midnight or she may not be able to go.

I reminded her what I said last time about deadlines and organisation and as she chose to tell me last minute I will not be paying for her deposit. She got upset as all her friends from history class are going.

I told Mia that she can pay herself from her savings as she has a part time job, which is more than enough to cover her deposit, but she wanted to save up to buy a new game console.

I told her to pick if she wanted to go on the trip or get a new game console and she called me an AH, and now I’m wondering if I’m being unreasonable. My husband is on my side but my youngest said it was mean and Mia is very upset with me.

ETA- Mia doesn’t have ADHD, but she is dyslexic so this does explain the schoolwork sometimes, but she will ask for extensions on top of her extensions which is a sore spot for her and my husband who wants her to be more organised and not leave work last minute.

Mia has been tested for ADHD and doesn’t not have it, I did my research at the time and realised it often gets overlooked for girls but even after getting another opinion she doesn’t have ADHD. She gets help from a school advisor regarding her dyslexia and at home we have discussed strategies to help her stay on track with her responsibilities.

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/LawnchairInTheRain on 2024-01-23 01:04:23+00:00.

My best friend Rita and I (both 34f) are neighbors and our girls (6 and 7) are friends and do almost everything together. Our mutual high school classmate Wendy (34f) who is also Rita’s cousin recently moved nearby and last week invited us and our girls to a small party. Wendy said it was a costume party for the children and there will be a small prize for the winner.

My daughter is platinum blonde and Rita’s girl has reddish brown hair and they love Frozen. Of course they wanted to go as Elsa and Anna. On the day of the party Rita and I carefully did their hair and we thought they were just adorable.

Apparently everyone at the party thought so, too, as there was no one else in matching costumes. The girls also won the contest and got a box of fairly expensive candy each. I was happy. I thought everyone was happy.

Wendy’s stepsister, Claire (32f), also had a daughter (7) who joined the costume contest as Tinker Bell, wings and gold “fairy” dust in her pockets for her to throw at everyone and all. She came to Wendy, Rita and me after most guests left and said it was not fair for us to win the contest just because we put two girls in matching costumes and so stole all the attention. She told Wendy that as the host she should be more careful to state the rules so it would be fair for everyone. She said she hoped we felt good for upsetting so many little girls who lost for unfair rule bending.

We three were stunned into silence and couldn’t say a word. Claire then stormed off. Wendy apologized to Rita and me and said Claire has always been extremely competitive.

Rita and I talked about this topic again recently and I can’t help wondering. Were we AH?

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Throwaway_GH7509 on 2024-01-23 00:55:32+00:00.

Basically, the title, but here’s the context, I (M38) have a very messy family life, my dad cheated on my mom when I was about 15, this woman (who I’ll call Sara) also had a son, Mike (M38) who is a few months younger than me, she also cheated on her husband.

When the affairs were exposed, and divorces were finalized, my dad and Sara got married, but our parents’ plan for a new blended and happy family quickly disappeared since Mike and I had no intention of being each other’s brother.

We both lived primarily with our other biological parents and were rarely in the house together but very soon we talked it out and decided that we weren’t enemies and just wanted nothing to do with each other, so we have as neutral relationships as possible we don’t care for good or bad about the other.

We both agreed that my dad and Sara suck, so when we were cold or impolite to our respective stepparent, we didn’t feel like we had to protect them or anything.

A few years later, Paul(M22), our half-brother, was born. Due to age difference (and us basically hating that blended family), we were never close to Paul and had little to no impact on his life.

Anyway, Paul is getting married to Laura (21) who is a very devout christian and has been pushing him to make an effort to “unite” our family.

Laura has been using the wedding to try and get us to play happy family, at first it started with small annoyances like family chats and trying to get us involved in wedding planning.

Originally Mike and me were just regular guest in the wedding but Paul asked us (as requested by Laura) to both be his best men, it felt awkward, but Paul never asked for anything, so we accepted.

Last weekend we were supposed to go to a seminar (since Mike and I haven’t been to a church in years) to receive training on what to do at the ceremony, however it ended up being a set-up by Paul and Laura.

When we arrived there was a Pastor, Laura, Paul, Mike and our parents. We were supposed to spend the weekend “healing” our family. Sara and Dad knew this beforehand and were on board, Mike, and I not so much, so we just left and opted to pull back from being part of the wedding, this upset Paul, he said that if we weren’t going as his best men, we wouldn’t be invited at all.

This was acceptable to Mike and me since neither of us went to each other’s wedding. But now drama is everywhere. Extended family is contacting us to make us budge and all the circus that comes in this type of situation. My wife said that I am behaving like an asshole and should just suck it up, so I’m starting to doubt. Am I the asshole?

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