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The point is to let other states feel pain since Democrats lack empathy.
This bill helps keep that pain going.
Democrats lack empathy?
Moral superiority makes Democrats feel good, but they don't really care. This is why Democrats must be taught a lesson. They encourage illegal immigration by having sanctuary laws, so border states should transport migrants to the lands of opportunity and freedom. NYC mayor Eric Adams tried to criminalize buses carrying illegals while keeping the sanctuary laws. Democrats pretend to be like Harriet Tubman, operating in the Underground Railroad until they have to pay the money and make room for crowds that come uninvited.
That was an interesting bit of mental gymnastics you just pulled off.
Who hires illegal migrants in the US heart land to work warehouses?
Asking for a friend
Yes. They hate Americans who disagree with them and want to hurt them.
What gave you that opinion? Historically they've been called "bleeding heart" liberals because they care too much.
They care too much about everyone but Americans. They hate Americans.
Ah nice, we're back to Ann Coulter in 2006: "why do you hate America??" anytime someone disagrees with conservative policies.
Well no, not back. Democrats have kept hating Americans this entire time.
For the record, the voters don't all hate Americans. Some just don't know any better.
That’s a pretty bizarre point of view if that’s what you actually believe. It’s not really a meaningful political stance.
Anyway, what I mean is being back to republicans saying stupid crap like “you hate America” versus something substantive. It’s basically what you’d get having a discussion with someone with NPD.
All they know is outrage. If you say anything’s imperfect about America, they’re going to be outraged you “hate” America, rather than understand the point that we should be identifying problems in our country so we can work to fix them.
It’s conservatism 101: Everything must stay the same or get worse.
They are slacktivist. They care enough to raises your taxes.
I also hate Americans who disagree with and want to hurt me.
Yeah, I could have phrased it better.
Democrats hate those who disagree.
Democrats want to hurt those who disagree.
Well, it's deranged bullshit projection, but it's grammatical.
Do you just go around making these claims up? You're getting banned for calling for violence in other communities. You're a walking liability.
No I'm not advocating for violence. For fucks sake, how do you get that from my comment? Unless sending more illegals to DNC places is violence, Im not advocating for jack shit
So this isn't you?
Yes, it's me.
Walking liability
I don't see how. I said what they think, not that I agreed with them.
If this place lets you in, maybe it's not the place for me
I haven't been banned from any instances, so maybe isn't for you
"I've only pissed off people with LIMITED power. You must be wrong." Get professional help.
This is the last comment I'm putting in this shitty community.
It shouldn't matter if I pissed them off. What should matter is if I broke the rules.
I feel like there's a jean-paul Sartre quote that applies here
Show us on this doll where the Democrats want to hurt you, please
In the wages is the easiest example.
Only the Democrats?
They aren't exactly helping things, are they now?
Do GOP care, dear?
I didn't mention the GOP, stay on topic.
The bill only punishes sanctuary cities that send to non-sanctuary cities.
That sounds fair to me. If you want to be a sanctuary city, accept the consequences.