this post was submitted on 21 Feb 2025
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They go to every camera everywhere and just use magic marker and scribble out the old logo and draw a new one
Why do that when they can award the contract to a friend's company to slap a 30¢ sticker covering every logo, and charge the government $100/sticker, plus $160/hr/worker in the field, 2hr/sticker minimum, and pay the ~~employees~~ wages slaves below minimum wage because they're "contractors"?
That sounds really efficient to me!
Hmmmmmm... I'm a Canadian living in the UK. The Muskrat likes efficiency, and giving money to foreign nationals to fuck over Americans. I might be able to make a bit of side-hustle money while I watch the Republic implode!
taps side of nose and winks
That's how free market capitalist make money across the world.
Damn daddy, u on fire today!
shrugs what can I say kiddo? Papa's on a hot streak! I'll probably fuck it up in the near future.