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The context of the recording: a humorous remark.
I'm bi, and even when I was on PornHub, I didn't get to see much gay or trans porn without actively looking for them in their own categories. Same on all other sites. Live feeds of newly uploaded materials are often mostly gay, but due to low-effort and mass-produced content from them.
The quote doesnt seem humorous to me. Sounds like theyre trying conversion therapy.
Wheres the joke in "Think about it: Let's say you're 12 years old, you're still figuring out your sexuality, maybe even your gender, wouldn't it be helpful to see, not a celebration but just maybe a normalization of something that you think is what you want?"
It's not a problem. Rather, exposure to sex isn't. I'm not going to get into if modern porn is harmful. But sex isn't a traumatic thing. It's one of the things everyone who wants to gets to experience in their lives.
No, not everyone does. I know several virgin liberals in the 40’s. Otherwise I agree. Sex by itself is a gift.