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You correct. It represents the Democrats and their attempt to keep slavery. It's exactly why it should be kept to remind people that the Democrats fought for slavery and continue to divide people by race even now.
That is false.,less%20tied%20to%20Americans'%20larger
Not really. Which party still wants to divide people into races? The Democrats. The Democrats is all about dividing people into groups that are not important. People should be treated as people and not classifications.
Here is a partial list ( there were alot of dems that voted no and I got lazy) of racists democrats that voted against the civil rights act of 1964 and when they stopped being reps/senators. If the parties switched these guys wouldn't be representing the racists democrats into the 90's.
George William Andrews 1972 Robert Emmett Jones 1972 Armistead Selden 1968 Wilbur Mills 1976 James Trimble 1966 Robert Sikes 1978 Charles Edward Bennett 1992 Dante Fascell 1992 Paul Rogers 1978 Don Fuqua 1986 Sam Gibbons 1996 George Hagan 1972 Phillip Landrum 1976 Robert Stephens 1976 William Natcher 1994 Joseph Waggonner 1978 Otto Passman 1976 Gillis Long 1986 Jamie Whitten 1994 Lawrence Fountain 1982 David Newton Henderson 1976 Roy Taylor 1976 Joseph Evins 1976 John Patman 1976 Herbert Roberts 1980 Olin Teague 1978 William Poage 1978 James Claude Wright 1989
The parties didn't really switch. Voting patterns changed.
The Democrats lost focus of the working class people. They did offer some support to unions but the south isn't very union.
The Republicans pushed the idea you can outgrow your situation and that message went over well in the south.
But when the democrats or the reason they claimed.