While some paid ad blockers seem to work, the vast majority of tools don’t seem to do the trick.
What a bunch of FUD. Firefox and uBlock Origin still work on Youtube just fine.
This is a most excellent place for technology news and articles.
While some paid ad blockers seem to work, the vast majority of tools don’t seem to do the trick.
What a bunch of FUD. Firefox and uBlock Origin still work on Youtube just fine.
Part of the reason I am not advocating for or against the extension or the source. People can judge for themselves. I thought it was funny (not a great idea but definitely an interesting implementation). For the record I use both unlock origin and Firefox, and I also run a pihole at home. I'm just putting out there that it exists.
Maybe they mean the vast majority of tools on Edge and Chrome? Plus this approach may or may not preserve dollars for creators
Everyone's hating on this approach but I think it's nice that we have other options. I'm sure Ublock is going to come out on top of this cat and mouse game YouTube is playing with them, but if YouTube manages to temporarily disable Ublock I'll look into this solution. Thanks!
Google will give up eventually. They're definitely burning more money than they would gain from winning the battle
They give up on everything else all the time. I wonder if expanding their ad business is the one exception though. They ran out of new users and already pack videos full of ads. Forcing them on people who block them is the only thing left for them to attempt as they seek to continue perpetual growth.
Ads are the very core of Google at this point. They are more likely to give up their search engine and the name Google before they give up their ad business.
Unfortunately the videos with ads absolutely packed through them are largely due to the creators choosing the settings for extra monetization.
I do not believe that is the case. Youtube ads are an insanely profitable business. I suspect throwing a couple dozen of FTEs on blocking ad blockers would be <1% of current revenue.
I don't doubt they make tonnes of revenue from ads however you have to remember how small the share of adblocker users are. So the extra money from fighting the adblock user base is a clear gamble. Especially as those types of users are the ones who are more likely to avoid YouTube completely if they can't bypass ads.
Someone in Google would have done the research because it's not a simple case of war profit = adblockusers * ad revenue per user
I strongly believe they'll stop once they hit a certain threshold/target of "reduction of adblock users". They won't go on like this forever.
That's why I tried to present it without an anti-google seeming bias. I wanted people to just have the facts and not all the BS in the article. I think it's a good option for people who don't want to block ads so creators they watch benefit.
What the fuck is wrong with this shit article?
The crackdown on ad blockers has been quite effective
No, it hasn't. What's up with the doublespeak?
While some paid ad blockers seem to work, the vast majority of tools don’t seem to do the trick.
Patently false. uBlock hasn't had a single hickup.
Fuck whoever wrote this garbage.
Let them believe they've won.
I don't know. I bet it has been pretty effective, but I also don't think I'd trust any data I'd see from Google.
But, their goal isn't to get you or me to watch ads. Hell will freeze over before I spend 30s watching an ad for a video that's barely double that. Their goal is to target the people we've installed ad blockers for: friends, parents, siblings, in-laws.
I'm not going to watch ads, and I sure as hell am not going to click on anything, but my mother in law does now. My mom does too. They now feel like an ad blocker is "too much hassle," so Google won that fight. I don't know if new people are installing, updating, or changing ad blockers enough to offset right now.
They all pretend ublock origin don't exist, they only talk about the old stupid for profit AdBlock that let's "good ads" through.
Yeah, no. I'm not willing to even have the ad for any amount of time. IMO ads should be banned, and before anyone reaponds, no i don't give a shit about the consequences of a change that substancial
Then this isn't for you. That's fine. Adblockers like ublock origin still work. So do newpipe, piped and other front end services. Firefox and other non-chromium based browsers etc. Do what you want with your devices.
and so the cat and mouse game continues...
And ublock origin continues to work, thankfully. Disappointing to see the article failed to mention it.
uBlock Origin works just fine. I use Firefox btw
I watched two hours of Rocky & Bullwinkle uninterrupted the other day thanks to FireFox and uBlock Origin
In before Ads are recorded at 1/16th the speed in order to play at the correct speed with one of those extensions.
The "Look at what they need to do to have a fraction of our power" Invincible meme comes to mind.
Pathetic to be satisfied with sped-up annoyances when they can be easily skipped altogether with a browser not controlled by the ad company.
Awesome, now you get only subconscious messages flashed in your eyes.
What else are people going to do to avoid installing Firefox?
Awesome, now you get only subconscious messages flashed in your eyes.
Blipverts. If I recall correctly, they had some bad side effects on sensitive people.
Imagine using Chrome 😂
Some people have to use it for work. Including me, although I don't have this problem because I don't use it for YouTube.
I’ve been A/B testing Chrome and Firefox at work since we’ve had it drilled into us that we absolutely have to use Chrome. I haven’t had a single issue with Firefox, even with internal web apps. Your mileage may vary though.
It's cool and all but it's still that annoying break when you are trying to enjoy a video or learn something.
This will take you out of the flow also.
I must be an anomaly but... Ublock still works perfectly fine for me on chrome lol
You aren't. I also use Firefox and ublock origin (but sometimes have to use chrome for work).
Use Freetube on the desktop and Newpipe (or the Sponsorblock version) on mobile (Android). No issues or ads
I use FreeTube but hadn't heard of Newpipe before. Thanks for the recommendation!
Between uBlock and Sponsor Block I've had absolutely no interruption in service and it's the exact same experience that I've had for years
I installed this other one https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ad-accelerator/gpboiedfklodfhngobidfjecdpmccehg?hl=en because this one seems to the FOSS.