- everything in the kitchen
- tangerines and apples
- pretzel chip things and hummus
- sliced ham and mustard
- dill pickle salted almonds
- extra butter a large tortilla and crumple chips on it, roll it up, and eat it (don't do this)
- pizza reheated with slices of American cheese melted on
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American cheese on top of the pizza, you're a fucking visionary.
Please I need you to extend this list, I need more.
there's a pizza joint around here that puts american cheese (along with several other cheeses) on one of their pizzas. it's really good.
I'm worried I might cause type 2 diabetes or heart disease. My gift is also a heavy burden.
I just discovered the pizza thing recently as I only buy those cheese slices twice a year. It was really, really good but I only did it once. I think it's an instant classic but I need to do it again a few times to be sure. :)
- extra butter a large tortilla and crumple chips on it, roll it up, and eat it (don't do this)
Sounds like a highdea :D
I've had a lot of time to perfect my signature dishes.
Came here to say this.
I recommend fruit. Frozen mango is great. Fruit smoothies are awesome. For savory snacks, I like nuts like pistachios and sunflower seeds, cheese sticks, beef jerky.
But I also love some Haribo gummy bears.
Not a fan of mangos, but I like grapes too.
Cheese sticks are a great idea!
I like individually packaged snacks when I'm not sober, so it's a lot harder than say eating an entire box of cookies.
Why I have pistachios on hand
Pea salad:
(All measurements approximate. It's a salad. Don't actually measure any of this.)
1 hard boiled egg, diced.
2 small to medium dill pickles, diced
1 15oz can peas, drained
1 2.5oz can sliced black olives, drained
2 tsp grated parmesan cheese
2 tbsp mayonnaise
2 tbsp pickle brine
.25 tsp garlic powder
Black pepper (to taste)
Mix all ingredients except peas. Fold peas into resulting mixture. Refrigerate. Fold again before serving.
My joint walks go right by the gas station. so its either a chocolate bar or a bag of sunchips (french onion or cheddar) If i skip the gas station, i destroy all the leftovers and end up having nothing to bring for lunch tomorrow at work.
- mandarin oranges
- a bowl with a scoop of peanut butter followed by a scoop of ice cream on top
- cheese
- olives
- chocolate
I mean, the list goes on.
Frozen blueberries or cherries, get a big bag from Costco.
Fruit would be good, have to stock the house this weekend.
Fresh fruit for sure, especially strawberries 🤤
Chips and salsa. Buttered popcorn.
Fruit snack gummies! Just suck on em till they basically melt
My kids forgot about their Halloween candy after a few weeks. I eat a couple of pieces on my Friday night sessions. Nerds are good, and Smarties and other tarty candies, all my favorites. Some nights I crave chocolate, snickers is my favorite. Other chocolate candies are ok, but snickers are damn good. OK, I'm going to grab some now.
KitKat and Doritos. Or jalapeno Cheetos
Jalapeño Cheddar Cheetos=GOAT
They are the best my cat loves them too .
Now I’m debating going out to get Doritos (there is a store around the corner).
For me it’s Original Gourmet Lollipops. Anything else I have a tendency to set down and forget about.
PB & Nutella Sandwiches
Cream cheese and Nutella sandwiches
Grilled cheese
Hell yeah. That’s always a favorite, might be dinner tonight haha
Fuzzy peaches, and similar. Junior mints. All the chips.
Dibs on the cool ranch Doritos!
Yogurt with fruit and cereal. Unlike many (most?) people dealing with the munchies, I regularly run a calorie deficit. So I try to keep relatively healthy sources of calories on hand. I get full fat Greek yogurt and mix in whatever fibrous fruit. Lately it's been raisins and cheerios. I'll usually have a mug or small bowl of that after dinner as a sort of sturdy, healthy dessert. I wake up hungry a lot less often when I do.