I believe the correct answer is not living in a society where either of these signs is necessary.
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Considering we've had more than one school shooting where the heavily trained and armed resource officers stood down while children were being slaughtered, I don't think the sign on the right would make me feel any safer.
Not to mention it's just a matter of time before a teacher snaps or a kid steals their gun and shoots someone. Armed teachers can only ever do more harm than good.
The resource officer at my middle school molested a girl. I don't even think they should have guns
From an outside world perspective I just need to point out how totally ridiculous the pairing of the job title “Resource Officer” is with “gun”.
What percentage of school shooters are not expecting to die already, even without the stupid sign?
Most are but the idea is to get a large body count so they get as much media attention as possible. There are countless studies showing how the media has helped heavily drive these mass attacks.
Yes, give the overworked and underpaid people guns. There is no way a potential gunmen could now also get his gun on premise.
I'm also amazed if they actually believe any sign would stop that. These people mostly plan on killing themselves anyways.
Seriously, does everyone forget what it’s like to be 12 when the teacher leaves the room?
The teachers desk gets raided. And we were happy enough to just find the stapler.
Leave it just one single chance for one single teacher to leave their gun in their desk or unattended.
Based on the safes that Lockpickinglawyer has reviewed, it could be locked away and still take no time at all for a kid to fumble the lock open
The second sign just lets the active shooter know to shoot the teacher first.
This kind of warning only works on people who intend to stay alive, but most mass shooters take their own lives or "suicide by cop" rather than be apprehended. This just shifts it to "suicide by teacher" when one eventually arrives after the shooting has already started.
Unsurprisingly, not much of a deterrent.
Thirty police stay outside an active shooting but somehow they believe 85yr old mrs.sumer gunna break out an ar and light up some fuckin random.
Teachers also got into the career of teaching children not murdering them even if that child is shooting people.
The lack of general mental health coverage in America would mean a certain number of teachers having major mental health issues after killing a violent student, even worse if they accidentally kill an innocent bystander.
Also that second sign lets any bad actor know that they don't need to bring anything. This place will supply the firearms in bullets they need.
Yeah, the lack of impulse control for some teachers, would make this scenario scary as fuck. I don't live in the US, but would count the days, until a teacher unnecessarily shoots a student (by accident, because of a dispute, or some other stupid reason).
What probably happens is a teacher would misplace or improperly secure their firearm in the school, a student would get a hold of it and then start shooting. Every gun in a school is a huge risk to prevent a (relatively) infrequent problem.
Plus, let's say it goes as planned. An armed gunman enters the school and starts shooting people. Some of the teachers grab their pistols and start looking for the shooter, some of the teachers barricade themselves and their students in their classrooms and guard the door with their gun. The teachers roaming the hallways have only a basic description and location of the shooter, every student and staff member they encounter is a split second decision about life and death, the chances they don't shoot innocent people and actually shoot the perp before they get shot is extremely low. Now the cops show up. Not only do they have an active shooter, they now have multiple armed individuals roaming the halls that they have to apprehend, but only one of them is actually the shooter. What are the chances all those teachers surrender and disarm quickly, quietly and without injury? You also have multiple barricaded rooms with armed defenders to clear, oh, and there is still a shooter on the loose.
It's fucking stupid. No one with a working brain who has actually been in a public school would think that arming the staff is the correct response.
So parents and teachers have to spend their own money to make sure kids have tissues and crayons in the classroom, but the school has enough money to send the entire staff to recurring firearms training?
It is like putting a sign that says "No water allowed" on the bottom of the ocean.
Unless you remove the ocean, things will get wet.
What sign will they come up with after an armed teacher snaps and shoots students?
Teachers: Please Do Not Discharge Firearms Towards Students Without Prior Approval
Or an unarmed student arms themselves with a teachers weapon.
Signs are not the solution
Don't shoot children...
Or do. I'm a sign, not a cop.
I'd like to remind people that even in a maximum security prison, your safety is not guaranteed. You can give all your rights away, and still get raped in the shower.
Welcome to the shitter multiverse.
The actual maximum security prisons in America, like the one in Florence, Colorado, consist of solitary confinement. I don't think that people get raped in the shower at those. Those prisoners are kept isolated form each other and locked in a padded room for 23 hours a day.
I definitely agree with your sentiment for any prison that is lower security than Florence, though.
Every single child should be within 10 feet of all times of a murder device activated by a simple trigger. The best solution to solving murder is adding more killing machines, because mistakes never happen around kids, and they're all mature enough to fully recognize the consequences of pulling the trigger at someone.
If I were a school shooter, the sign on the right says to me, take out the staff first before they realize what's going on.
Teachers and adults are just as unstable as kids. They are just scared themselves.
Not only that but like... you think that kids won't just sucker punch a teacher and take the gun from their desk?
None. But only one will be the cause even more chaos and innocent death once the cops arrive.
I’m not going to call anyone who has drawn a loaded weapon an “innocent”. All belligerents are a danger to me and the people I car about. If they have badges, dangerous. If they are criminals, dangerous. If they are fuck up idiot vigilantes, dangerous.
The good guy with a gun is an insidious myth from Hollywood movies. If you’re not at the range or hunting, your gun makes you a risk to public safety. And as soon as it is drawn, you are a BAD GUY.
I’m not going to call anyone who has drawn a loaded weapon an “innocent”.
I was referring to the dead kids caught in the cross fire.
Are we going to start paying for guns and training, and not like proper school supplies and lunch programs? Like, what's the cost here? Are teachers going to have to pay it themselves? Are we buying gun safes for every classroom, too? I'm not sure a locked desk drawer is going to keep a determined kid out.
Just the sign.
Budget cuts, y'know.
I'm a college/univ teacher and I will quit on the spot if you ask me to have a gun.
Have these idiot Right wingers met some of these teachers? But then again all of the worst teachers who probably would shoot an innocent student are of course idiot Right Wingers.
"Cool, infinite ammo glitch!"
I'd like to remind everyone that staff shooting children is also a tragedy and that only one of these signs promotes safety. (It's not the one with staff armed)
What's better than one person with a rifle?!
The people that come up with these things are incapable of any thought outside of the current single one in their pea sized brains.