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I hereby grant you the title of King Responsible.
Thanks! My mom will be so proud. And then probably ask what took so long and why the rest of my life isn't so well in order.
You must be quintuple responsible!
You should probably just take my kids. School drop off is at 9. They don't eat fucking anything. Best of luck.
Oh I 100% have one, if not several. I just don't know the location of a single one.
I've been searching for a lost vape for about five days. Our place isn't even that big and it's pretty clean because my partner won't stand for the sort of sloppiness that I get up to when no one polices me. And the vape is a hell of a lot larger.
I have 3
Same, do we win something?
A 4th one
Paperclip, bent staple, pushpin, breadboard wire, toothpick, 3D printer nozzle cleaner, 0000-sized cross head screwdriver, and stripped twist tie are all no match for the glorious sim tool.
I used to keep one on my keyring.
I finally took it off after the 4th time I had to pull it out of my thigh.
Do we have to know where it is?
I don't need that. My sim is accessible by removing the back cover and battery.
Hah, that's why I bought a little treasure chest that I have on my desk. I keep magic stuff there like usb keys, a lighter, these things (whatever they are called? Sim card pins?), anything that is small and infrequently used.
Dozens of Archeology PhD theses will be written about these a thousand years from now.
Impossible! We can't even find these things now. How will they ever find them in a thousand years from now?
One fell out of my dryer today.
I haven’t used one in over a year. Quite perplexing.
I used a needle. But uhm... It was the microphone hole.
I wonder where that puts me on the responsibility spectrum.
Oh, of course I still have it
I have one on my keychain, which is sometimes a huge pain in the thigh, the hand or the fabric of the jeans, but it's worth it, because I use it like, every six months.
Yeah, I did that, until one day I was digging my keys out of a pocket and the prong ended embedded deep under my fingernail. Never again.
I just have an iFixit kit with a SIM ejector head included.
Broke my phone last week. Had mine on my keychain when the tech couldn't find his quick enough.
Also keep mine on my keys... Well used to before children ripped it off... Need to get a new one
LOL, no I'm not. I'm just bad at getting rid of stuff.
I got mine! Let me dig though my pile of empty boxes in a room I haven't organized since I moved here like a year ago!
These things suck and are too tiny to store anywhere useful. A small paper clip works the same and stores much better.
paperclips are too thick
You must be using thick paperclips. All the ones I've used have all worked fine. Paperclips come in a wide range of thicknesses.
Careful - this is how you get AI.
Agree totally. There's no point in holding on to a special-purpose object that can have its function performed by other very common objects. The smart thing to do is throw it away immediately after the phone's return window ends.
I keep mine in the phone case with a $20 for emergencies.
I have one as a screwdriver bit so I just toss them in a bin of misc metal bits.
I cut a slit into the foam of my ifixit kit and stuck it in there.
But doesn’t the ifixit kit have a sim extractor bit?
But doesn’t the ifixit kit have a sim extractor bit?
Yes, it does.
I have at least 2 that I know where they are.
I don't have one. Not because I had one and lost it, but because the phone I'm using was made before these existed.
That's a strange looking paper clip.
It's on my keyring
Why would I keep track of something that can be replaced by a paper clip that costs a penny?
I still use one from the first phone I had which needed this crap. So I have 3 of them in total. Actually, 4, I've got one extra in a screwdriver set.