i hate you. I had one for years, i think it fell down, and it's integrated itself into my carpet by now i think...
It's gone.
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i hate you. I had one for years, i think it fell down, and it's integrated itself into my carpet by now i think...
It's gone.
Leatherman bracelet has one built in so I don't even need those
i have one on my key ring :D
How is it responsible to waste your life taking steps to keep track of worthless little objects of that size? If you need a thin poker use one of the many every day objects that takes the form of or includes a thin poker.
waste your life
Struck a nerve, did they?
I have a bit set with one in it. Well, at least one that looks like it's meant to be this. It works though.
The "reset button" pusher. Hehe.
Bent paperclip works too.
Safety pin is the way to go .
Don’t use a safety pin. The sharp point can slip between internal joints and cause damage for certain electronics. Use a paper clip.
That is true but sometimes all i have is a pin that fits in it .
I use a pushpin, because they're what's on hand.
I keep one on my necklace, its constantly reminding me that its still there
I probably threw mine out.
I never use it so what the fuck do I care.
It's in the electronics box buried under a PS3, two 18 year old laptops, a graphics card that was obsolete 12 years ago, a hard drive I salvaged from an old DVR, and the bags and bags of Ethernet/coax/mini-USB/Sansa MP3 player cables, and the steam link
I think I have two of them.
Always carry one with me in my big bag.
LPT: if you have a case on your phone, put it inside the case (between the case and phone) and you'll always have it when you need it