Lemmy only stores text, any other form of media is handled by other services.
Image hosting comes "integrated" because it uses pict-rs, but Lemmy itself only stores the URL to that service.
For example in my instance I disabled image hosting, so I'd need to upload to another service for that, same with video.
Lemmy.ca Support / Questions
Support / Questions specific to lemmy.ca.
For support / questions related to the lemmy software itself, go to [email protected]
I thought about starting a public freakout community but on reddit those were host on v.reddit or sometimes you tube. Also thanks for the reply and sorry if I bothered you... no sarcasm
If you only care about .world why are you asking here?
i thought this was lemmy world.
Sir, this is a Wendy's.
Says lemmy.ca
Lemmy can implement video support however it will be up to the instances on whether or not they can afford the extra storage on video hosting.
Lemmy isn't really suited for that purpose. A Fediverse equivalent would be a PeerTube instance.
I suppose Lemmy can implement a way for Peertube videos to be played directly on the website without clicking a link.