Also "this economy is killing me" after they raise their fucking prices 40% in a year...
I've completely abandoned some of my favourite restaurants at this point.
Date Created: June 21, 2023
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Also "this economy is killing me" after they raise their fucking prices 40% in a year...
I've completely abandoned some of my favourite restaurants at this point.
I feel like it's this rubber band effect where everyone just overshoot everything and now refuses to bring prices down.
I went from eating out every single day to making everything at home for the last 4 months. Cut back on my food spending by 66%
Fucking grocery prices are up big time too. I like to grill Ribeyes, and the price has almost doubled. Everything has gone up, but like you said, the restaurants are even crazier. $14 at a McDonalds for a skinny guy like me? Fuck that
I only really eat one meal a day and it's a big one. Would be like a 2L of soda and a large pizza or a sub and app from a restaurant. I wouldn't have it delivered but it was easily 25 bucks a day for that one meal. Now I meal prep egg cups for breakfast and cook up a big batch of chicken tacos for the week or just make rice or salad for dinner. Grocery bills under 80$ for a week. I only have one mouth to feed though and I hate cooking.
You too? Door dash was the first to go, now I'd rather make something and know I'm not going to end up throwing out half of a greasy meal. When I broke down my spending several months ago, food was easily one of the biggest expenses that I had control over.
Door dash (and other delivery options) lost me after like my second order when I realized I was paying like $50 for a meal for one, after all the fees and tips were added up.
It was especially insulting to see that the fees were basically "we are charging you more because we're doing less for you than if you were in our restaurant", and then they also throw in shit like asking you to tip the restaurant on the full amount...and also tip the driver on the full amount.
When I was really looking into it, I realized I was trying to order like $18 of food off the menu. But they had a $25 minimum, and after all the fees and including a 20% tip everywhere they asked for one, the total was going to be like $53.
That was like two years ago and I haven't felt the urge to deal with that shit since. I'd rather skip a meal than entertain that nonsense.
Many delivery companies have a contract with restaurants for 20-30% off the price of each item, plus they add a mark up on every item, a delivery fee, a service fee, and then you tip the driver.
Often most of the delivery fee and all of the tip goes to the driver (it's supposed to anyway, but they often find ways to get that money back from the driver, there was an issue with the order, customer needed assistance, etc)
The service fee, discount on menu price of the item, and additional markup goes to the company.
Just about everyone gets fucked minus the delivery company.
I worked the back end in tech and management in the field for like 6 years. They're pretty fuckin awful.
Even at $22, it's not enough to ever buy a house or even rent.
I know it differs pretty wildly, but in King County Washington (Seattle and Bellevue are here) the median home price (condos included) is $830k. That means you have to earn $184k or $88/hour to afford a home, which is insane.
I got a little inflation story for you ....
My father bought a house inSan Francisco in 1959 for about $60,000.
Now it's worth around $4 million.
And no, I did not benefit from this. He embezzled client money and lost everything, which he richly deserved.
My grandparent's house was $10,000 in 1959.
When my grandfather passed we sold it for close to $300,000. In a shitty small town in Texas.
This is what happens when housing is sold as an investment and not a place to live.
Financial inequality is well documented in the Seattle area and it's sickening. linked census data showing the top 20% made 18 times what the bottom 20% made. I'm not tuned in enough to know what the right path is for Seattle but something needs to be fixed.
That's not how mortgages work...
Shoot I make roughly 60% more than that and still couldn't buy a house or rent by myself unless I found a house in another state in a town with a population of 200.
Seriously, I finally bought a house, but in a horrible place.
I couldn't even rent where I used to live.
I was lucky enough to buy a house this spring, after being even more lucky to live in an apartment for 6 years without a single rent increase. After I left the apartment I checked their re-listing and it is now $200 more than my current mortgage.
The whole thing is a shit show that particularly fucks over young people.
As an old guy, I've been around long enough to see it get worse for generation after generation.
I'm on the other of the stick now. I won't live long enough to pay off my mortgage. I'm hoping to work until 70 to max out my social security, otherwise I end up under a bridge.
I make rent on $20!
... in the middle of Nowhere, Iowa
Here in Texas you'll see job posts from one clearly triggered right-wing small business owner paying $7.25 an hour, talking about how if you're working there you're WORKING there followed by a list of like 400 things you'll be doing.
This will be next to a job post from an actually sane individual that's paying more than twice as much for 1/4th of the effort, and you're still being overworked.
They don't want employees, they want indentured servants.
Wage slavery. It should be illegal to pay a full time employee less than the minimum required amount to live a healthy, fulfilling, dignified life.
Nobody wants to work anymore
Did anybody ever "want" to work?
If we lived in a Star Trek style utopia with replicators I wouldn't sit around eating burgers all day and watching TV, but at the same time I wouldn't do the job I currently have.
I mean there is a small percentage of people who genuinely enjoy the rewarding work they do and look forward to waking up every morning to embrace the day.
But I do agree - sitting around getting drunk and high watching television all day long gets old REAL quick.
I’d do my current job if I could work for like 4 hours a day, 3-4 days per week, and do 1/3 less work per hour.
And do it from home.
For me, the biggest shift from the pandemic was to realize just how much my hate for work was tied up in the fact that I had to go to work, rather than the work itself.
Even my last job before my current one, if they would have let me work remotely (a 100% feasible option, although my ultra conservative boss wouldn't have ever entertained the idea), I could have probably worked there forever, trading upward mobility for complacency and comfort and flexibility.
If I had a say and was doing my career in a rewarding way I’d probably do 5-10 hours a week on average. Just making shit, trying to figure stuff out. And I’d be making everything I design publicly available
I always just mentally add a “for me” after “work.”
Or I add "for that wage" sometimes as well! Often interchangeable!
The idea of a "labor shortage" is just idiotic. The demand for goods and services is a function of the size of the population, and guess what else is? The size of the labor pool. Really just reinforces proof of how much economic illiteracy is out there.
No, no, it must be that young people these days are lazy, not that I lack a basic understanding of economics.
Something something damn millennials... I mean zoomers no one wants to work. Back in my day we had to walk 10miles up hill both ways to get to work for a dollar an hour and you didn't see me complaining.
meanwhile they paid $1000 for college and rent was $200
My inlaws paid for their entire university education working a summer job. Madness.
Yeah, I’m hitting them at reality now - paying more for my kid at a small State University, than I paid for Ivy League
At the time, I could take care of it partly by myself and partly through loans that were easily affordable given my expected pay after graduation. My kid, not so much
The $15.50 guy would have some people lined up. It'd be appealing for people who needed a job short term, quickly, and wanted the decreased competition for it.
Not a bunch of people would be lined up there, but it wouldn't be no one.
None of the businesses in my town are offering anything higher than $12 USD an hour and then the managers will try to talk you down from that figure.
The reality is that the guy on the left is $15.51/hr, then they put "competitive salary!" in the job description