I’m going to be ignoring the news for the next couple years. “Trump Did Something Horrific,” followed by nothing of any consequence but “raising awareness.”
Wake me up when there’s a real resistance.
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I’m going to be ignoring the news for the next couple years. “Trump Did Something Horrific,” followed by nothing of any consequence but “raising awareness.”
Wake me up when there’s a real resistance.
I'm not American and will do the same. The amount of artificial and inflated drama is just unbearable. Not for another four years.
"Trump said this unacceptable thing!!!1!" followed by a few days of outrage, nothing changes, then he says another stupider shit a few days layer and the cycle continues.
In a way I'm sure the media are very happy for that Trump win. They're gonna have some drama every fucking day.
Ah yes the embodiment of the French Revolutionaries spirit. Paraphrasing the slogan, wasn't it something like
"wake me up my brothers after the king gets beheaded, why would I go out with my pitchfork if nothing's gonna happen".
I can't speak to others but it's exhausting. All the "did something illegal" "got egg on the face of the US" "made a clown of himself". I can only be outraged for so long before I'm burned out. I've voted every election big and small. I've argued and talked with people about how bad this could be. I've told people who didn't know there are still literal wars going on and how there is an avenue for ww3. People don't care or they think trump is the one to see us through and any changes he wants to make are good.
What else can I do? I'm not going to take up arms because I still believe in our democracy.
get organized! there are loads of community-based action groups that provide mutual aid services. the democratic socialists of America is a great example but there are plenty of other options if that's not for you
If there is no enforcement then there is no law.
There is enforcement, if you don't have enough income or if you have the wrong skin tone-
How about we do something about it instead of expecting someone else to?
You go first. Let us know what and how it worked out.
I don’t even know what this text is in reference to and I have no concrete suggestions immediately. But I will be thinking, connecting, and sharing in the coming months as a strategy emerges. Trumpism can still be defeated. The election was plan A but it’s time to come up with plan B. I am thinking that it’s going to take massive organized civil disobedience. We directly disrupt their ability to govern and harm marginalized people.
But it’s going to take more than just me, so I ask everyone here to be ready and participate in whatever capacity you can.
I went to DC and yelled at a bunch of brutalist buildings. I'm sure someone in one of those knows a guy who knows someone who sometimes gets close enough to see a representative. I did my part!
There’s a reason peaceful protest is legal, and that’s because it seldom accomplishes anything meaningful.
Yeah! You first
Trump will go down in history as the world's most successful career criminal.
Is it really a law if it's unenforceable?
*selectively enforced against poor people
Is it really justice when laws cannot be applied to presidents as the founding fathers argued that doing so would interfere with president's purported ability to govern - even if they commit crimes?
The USA is comically naive in assuming presidents would act honorably and would respect the law voluntarily.
as someone who has never used twitter, it always confuses me that twitter sometimes puts the reply before the message that’s being replied to. why do it this way?
It isn't so much as a reply on a re-tweet, if you comment or "reply" to any tweet then the layout is the same as any other social media site and nests it under the post. Whereas for re-tweeting it is more like sharing something, like a link or an article, and your desired message into a post, just like here in lemmy your title or message is at the top and your content is under it. In this context the tweet is your content.
I hope that made sense
I'm not an American. Does Congress actually have the ability to enforce the laws they write? What would someone expect a Senator to do?
Warren's party currently controls the executive branch. Though she can't enforce the law, she knows and works with those who can.
works with those who can.
*with those who should be able to
They won't. They are going to hand the keys to the next admin, as is decorum. They do things by the book and maintain tradition. This party at every opportunity shows how completely inept they are.
They've abandoned us.
And they have had that "official acts" thing from the supreme court for months. Zero reason this problem should have ever lasted this long.
If they had a house majority and 60 Senators then they could either never inaugurate Trump or remove him via impeachment and vote to remove, same with federal judges he appointed.
Problem is they only had 60 for one month over a decade ago, now currently don't even have a majority.
The USA voted for crime and destruction.
No I'm sure the current plan of wag your finger and then refuse to actually enforce the law out of a desire to "not sink to his low" will continue to work just fine /s
This was the last time i vote for a dem candidate. they pay mouth service to progressive policies, but at the end of the day, they do next to nothing for us.
back in in the 2010s when obama was president, there was a time when the dems controlled the house AND the senate at the same time. we still didn't get any real progressive shit passed. the only thing i can think of is daca and obamacare. we didn't get single payer, universal nationalized healthcare, we didn't get robust protections for the working class, we didn't responsibly pull out of iraq or afghanistan, the environment is fucked and there's nothing that we can do about it anymore, big banks got bailed out at the expense of the working class, university cost was and has continued to be at an all time high. They didn't fix the gerrymandering the gop has been getting away with. They didn't set term limits on justices. they didn't fight back when the Rs blocked merick garland. They did nothing to fix the broken electoral system. They did nothing to fix the economic policies set in the reagan era. they did nothing to set a law banning PACs, lobbyists or special interests. the only thing the dem party has going for it is that they are not literally the party of fascists.
2 weeks before the election wasn't the time to start getting excited about a third party. The time for third partying is now, and keep it up until the next one. I'm not going to forgive the dem party for their inaction and they should absolutely be punished by no longer existing as the opposition party.
Didn't even close fucking Guantanamo. Remember Guantanamo? It's still a thing.
Nick Fuentes address is public and he's still breathing. Tells me all I need to know about liberal activists.
You could say that about all activists. It's not like the leftists don't think Nick Fuentes is a Nazi shitstain. You know it, why are you here posting rather than carrying out the assassination you're condemning others for not performing?
"I'll make it legal" -Palpatine
Twitter is dumb as fucking fuck. Political leaders shouldn't be there. If you shitpost, you shouldn't be in charge of anything but shitposting.
Yet another reminder that most Americans don't understand how the government works. What is one Dem senator going to do in a government that is 100% controlled by Republicans?
Voters need to do something and actually give the Dems a majority before complaining that they don't get anything done.