What they promise: Starfleet
What we get: Cardassian empire
Sci-Fi Memes
What they promise: Starfleet
What we get: Cardassian empire
More like Paklet empire.
Looks like we're the mirror universe 🙁
starts cutting out felt goatees
I think Elon actually believes he is Arnold Schwarzenegger rushing to save Mars… maybe that’s Joe Rogan. Probably both.
Starfleet values like socialism, not barbarism.
Infinite food machine and holodeck for fucking still needed.
Not infinite. Converts organized matter into other organized matter. You could put a person in one side and pop a cheeseburger out the other but once the mass of the person is gone you aren't getting anymore cheeseburgers.
Infinite loop detected: conservation of mass applies to cycles too as long as nuclear reactions don’t get involved.
Yeah and it depends on era too. There's the whole protein resequencer thing in one and similar technology as a teleporter but all the same sorta thing. Ie. Matter converted to energy and back to matter.
They live in the replicator buffer now
Well they had a World War 3 before they got there, so I guess he's just trying to be an accelerationist?
The Eugenics Wars preceded WW3 which was a nuclear war that began in 2026. Fancy that!
I think the biggest thing they needed, in addition to realizing how bad they were fucking up, was a massive reduction in population to give the earth a chance to rebound while humans got their shit together. I think we're actually ahead of the technology curve presented in Star Trek history, and our ethics are tracking a little better, since we didn't already have a massive eugenics project. So if it can be done, we could do it if we get our shit together. Hopefully it doesn't take a eugenics war, and a world war to wake us up.
It was on his resume when he joined PayPal.
Sorry, best I can do is a clown who sounds stupid when he talks.
fucking moron never knows anything about the things he claims to like.
By starfleet he means imperial empire.
So a school who's underlining guidelines are woke? No way Jose
Yes, I probably should've put an /s but thought the no way jose comment made it obvious
Thank you Doctor. Now let's sell Musk to the Grand Nagus. I'm sure they'd love a talking capitalism monkey.
Musks Klingon spirit animal wants war
Musk doesn't have an ounce of honor.