Todays grift is for a sauna 🙄
Hello new Lemmy friends!
Word on the street tells us our community is regularly making it the all page. While this is very cool news to hear, we can see how the sudden emergence of our posts in your feed might feel jarring and probably raises some questions. And also how, without knowing the backstory, our community might appear less than virtuous, so here’s a very brief introduction which hopefully will clear a few things up.
The woman we’re discussing is a body positive influencer and media personality who has gained fame and wealth by lying, manipulating, exploiting her children for content, plagiarizing BIPOC creators and blaming her BIPOC content editor for it (thereby ruining her career), among other things. Her fraudulent behavior is no different (I’d argue worse) from the likes of Jay Shetty (google him if you don’t know who he is or what he did). She’s the latest in a long line of grifting influencers who are abusing their power, taking advantage of their position and exploiting their followers. The difference is that she’s Canadian. Our laws around social media and advertising aren’t as clear (and where they are she’s disobeyed them), add to that, our mainstream media has protected her from those who’ve tried to expose her grift and silenced/intimidated anyone who’s tried to speak out.
Our Reddit sub was taken down due to reports of copyright infringement, which is unfounded and categorically untrue as no one ever tried to steal her work and pass it off as their own. The mods have made an appeal. While at first glance it may seem like we’re just “shitting on her” the sub has been more devoted to investigation and posting proof of her lies than just bitching for the sake of bitching. The reality is that she’s hurt, manipulated and let down a lot of people. She stole intellectual property and employment, caused mental distress and has repeatedly told lies to boost engagement and profit off her audience, so people are understandably upset that their voices are being silenced.
We’re grateful to have been welcomed so kindly by so many of you, and to those sticking around to watch the drama unfold, we’re glad to have you!
**all posts are alleged.
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Yeah, ok, sure!
Mrs authenticity - we have never seen this face before. Her filters and edits on instagram are major. I hope she gets a real life at 40 and leaves the rest of the world alone - she is so problematic.
It is very clear the she set a goal to be thin at 40. I don’t care if it’s weight loss drugs or starving herself or a healthy plan. She is a fraud to not talk about wanting to be thin. She just influenced multiple generations of woman feel that weight and anything goes living is the best choice. She’s evil.
My favourite part of today is the number of times we are seeing this face we never see. The sheer volume of other people’s pics being shared means some unedited ones have ended up on the collages.
She really is ao inauthentic. Naked pics don’t change that lack of authenticity no matter how many stretch marks or cellulite she decides to strategically show off.
She is a pretty enough person as it is, but that’s not enough. Nope. Needs to be smoke show filtered to the max.
I agree. Why not discuss you’ve lost weight? It’s part of your platform.
I fixed it for her super fans!
Her trying to smile is like when you walk a long way, outside in the cold. It looks painful
If the goal is that all woman look the same and there is one instagram worthy standard of beauty she probably does look at her selfies and thinks she looks good.
Funny thing is that I thought she was all about bursting through beauty standards and expectations. Her fame off of zero values or principles is wild to me.
They all literally look like the "perfect make up" filter on TT. Didn't she use to say "ageing gracefully" or some crap like that? Now they all make themselves look the same. Nothing stands out about any of them anymore. Cookie cutter boring, clout chasing, affiliate link, grifters. So predictable. Such a snoozefest
I would feel like a complete tool posting this, she really thinks she’s the shit. The way she thinks people care about her boring stories is laughable. I do wonder how many people actually watch them and engage.
She probably thinks she looks so good too but she’s ruining her face
For heavens sake! Just turn 40 like the rest of us humble folk and F off. Have you ever seen a bigger narcissist?! A whole ass photo shoot (naked obvi) GET OVER YOURSELF BIRDSHIT. You are NOT Hollywood 🙄
Why utilize all those fancy new appliances and brand new kitchen when you can just buy everything premade 🤔
Not the half assed, thrown together, overpriced cookie from Longos. Like no effort at all. Could’ve literally grabbed a whole roll of Pilsbury chocolate chip cookie dough for $6. Put it in a round cookie pan for literally 13 mins in her fancy new appliances. It would’ve taken her less time, than driving all the way across town for this. My children could’ve done this. Would’ve even been a fun activity to do with L. But why bother. Shes the epitome of lazy.
Lmfaooooo. It is such a hideous concoction. Why use brand new appliances and a big new renovated kitchen when I could just buy the ugliest pre-made dessert at the grocery store and take a picture of it in the cart. Like you said, it could have even been the pre-made cookie dough! This really puts on display how little she does, especially when paired with a big-sweater “I’m taking a break” couch picture. She is such a loser
She’s “taking it easy” by posting another 1/2 naked reel.
I’m sure L would’ve loved to do something like this with her mother and help decorate. But NK probably already did that with her so Sarah was off the hook.
Like imagine begging for new appliances just to not utilize them and have fun baking with her daughter during the holidays.
She seems so proud of picking this up too lol. Like how embarrassing.
She thinks she’s the gift…if she accepts an invitation they are the lucky ones to be in her presence. The amount of time she spends sitting on her lazy ass as a grown woman is very uninspiring.
And, how did I know something stupid like this was coming. 🙄 Compared to moms I know she is always in wind down mode - I’ve never seem someone sit around as much as her, well I guess there are her other influencer besties.
Do you think anyone actually asked if she was okay?!
Literally nobody asked! She just wants to play the victim as always. She was only quiet because she was hiding her Botox and lip filler.
No, because most people are busy trying to get shit done for Christmas.
She’s the laziest POS!!! Seriously get off your ass and do something other than sitting in a glam chair getting made up for yet another even that you unfortunately get invited to. Lazy sack of shit
The fact NK does all these cute Xmas crafts and baking with L while Sarah sits on her ass playing a victim is so gross. All Sarah does with L is take her shopping and make her sing Disney songs to film for content over and over again.
L being excited because M and birdshit will be “sleeping” before Christmas, likely meaning they’ll be sleeping there. She’s excited for her to actually be there. M is at school so makes sense. Says a lot.
Love how she makes it like Birdie is just there for a sleepover and doesn’t actually live there yikes lol
I wonder if her newest bff who she’s taking in for the holidays (because divorce is the other side of Sarah’s personality) knows that while Sarah loves to talk about life after divorce will NOT speak up in support of the 2SLGBTQ+ community because she only likes comments that tell her she’s hot.
This pairing is very odd to me and the wrong choice for Krystian who is trying hard to build a friendship with her ex so that her children feel safe. Sarah use to cry and allude to her ex being a horrible person at drop offs. How do wise and good people not see how void of character Sarah is.
And her most recent reel - F, I hate her rising from the ashes BS. Can influencers please be out in 2025!
They finally decided to put the unsellable’s on sale. Should have made them 50% off at the very least.
Really don’t think saving a few dollars on that cup is enticing enough
Love how she has nothing going on so she’s trying to go back to the mother of the year schtick to end the year with the “look at me being a mom taxi” and “this is how we spend our Friday nights” and “look at our tree filled with gifts” 🙄 when the rest of the year she hardly spent time with her kids because she was being a big career gal. She didn’t pull out that whole mom taxi crap majority of the year now suddenly it’s back to “oh I cherish these moments”. Give me a break.
Also, correct me if I’m wrong, I don’t have children, isn’t “taxiing” your young children around just part of being… a mom? Does she want special recognition for this regular task or is her children needing a drive somewhere so out there and quirky it has to be highlighted?
Even when she pretended to be a “single mother”, she didn’t even do any of this. Shes such a sham
Of course she’s pooped 🙄🙄🙄 I would be too if I did jack shit over the holidays and got a gifted night out to the Raptors game. God get over yourself birdshit
So tired!! But not quite exhausted enough to stfu.
Imagine needing ANNUAL birthday pics???? Most people would just do them for special bdays but not her, needs new photos every single year.
But yes we’re all on the edge of our seats!!! Don’t keep us waiting!!!
She only went to a Raptors game. It’s was even a 6pm game. With a friend. Not even her kids. Zero effort or work. Yet she looks like she’s been on a bender.
God I can’t stand her and her phoney bullshit. Botox for “migraines” bitch sit down. I am a lifelong chronic intractable migraine sufferer and can smell her bullshit from Milton. She’s such a fraud
Woof, this two-toned mess. Did she ask her hairdresser "Can you please do something to make it look like I'm going grey?"
The 3 stooges
I felt like Sarah was acting all “look how tiny I am laying on a bigger woman” in this video. I can’t stand her.
*not that I think NB is big!! Just pointing out what I thought was going on in Sarah’s head.
NB is giving In Love with Bird vibes
Can she not wear any other earrings now, or does she have to keep wearing those ever since Bailey gave/introduced them to her. They completely clash with her shirt colour imo. She even copied the car visor mirror pictures Bailey takes of herself. New personality she is absorbing I guess!
Also, not surprised to see a baggy shirt chosen
Everything Sarah does is the least, the minimum…no one else is worth any effort. No, it doesn’t really matter what is served at a dinner with friends, but to slap one square of lasagna on a plate says I’m so important, your not, so hers my famous slop. All those people and just one piece each with no bread, or salad looks like skinny mom food rationing from the 90s - no seconds allowed. This whole meal is just seems like some strange scene from a movie.