The "mayo" text is differently blurry and doesn't have the compression artifacts that the rest of the text has, just saying.
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I can't believe it! We were tricked!
we've been duped!!! do people just go onto the Internet to spread lies?
Originally, it said "mayonnaise"
The rest of the text still looks an awful lot like "your outer is a nice person".
Please try not to show a preference for that fact.
You could also just print out whatever you want and take a cropped picture of it. This is obviously a joke.
White guy here.
"Alright, cool. " 🤷♂️
Once my kid, then two years old, vouchsafed to me that mayonnaise is spicy.
I remind him of this every couple of years. It's one of my favourite kid quotes.
Sriracha mayo is spicy and tasty
Have you since introduced him to sriracha mayo?
He has tried sriracha and black pepper, but he doesn't yet enjoy anything much hotter than BBQ sauce. Still just six.
The only thing more cracker than thinking mayonnaise is spicy is using the term "vouchsafe" in conversation. He must get it from your side of the family.
I'd prefer a waffle party to the mayo experience
What about bobbing for pineapples?
Stardew Valley: Mayo is booze. You can now drink mayo.
Dam, i wish it was ranch.
I thought that was an instrument and not a snack