Gimli should be playing guitar, then it could have been kept as "And my axe!"
Lord Of The Rings Memes
Aragorn: “you have my gourd” *brandishes maraca*
flashing lights warning
What colour is the background? Green and magenta? It's a pretty cool effect.
Still frame since I have gif autoplay off.
It would be funny if Gimli's said Sax but then actually had a picture of bagpipes.:-) Or maybe not but that's where my mind went, and now you all have to suffer that thought as well.
As long as the mouth of sauron does not sing the lead.
brass instruments are perfect for dwarves, i can especially imagine a slightly drunk team of them crewing a truly gargantuan sub-sub-sub-subcontrabass tuba built into the wall.
just for the love of god don't let them invent jazz, but given the saxophone it may be too late..
One does not simply walk into more gigs. Its black gates are guarded by more than just scalpers. There are fees there that do not refund. The great eye of ticketmaster is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland, riddled with ads, apps, and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly.
Ring Band
< Kessoku Band
Legolas needs to fix his bow hold. His pinky is completely straight, when it should be curved.