If The Onion had posted this news two years ago I'd have thought it was too far-fetched to be funny. Now, though...
The Onion and other satire w/ layers
For posting satire from The Onion and other similar sources.
redundancy, but not for its own sake
Yeah. I ate the onion for a solid 30 seconds.
Yep, before I saw it was The Onion I thought this was real.
Whomever is doing isglitch is doing a great job
... in what sense?
Everyone going 'oops, almost got me!' means they suck at satire. If you have to be told it's bullshit, then it's not satire, it's just bullshit. It's comedically-phrased lying. Satire has to go beyond the realm of plausibility. This? This is wholly believable.
And that's at least half of these AI-scented IsGlitch submissions. The response to a punchline should not be "... oh, they're not serious." It is supposed to punch.
These parasites gonna leech, it is your job as a discerning user to deny the parasite engagement and profit ✊