Microsoft wanting to buy Valve and Nintendo should tell you just how much what they really want is a monopoly on gaming.
If Microsoft loves anything, it's monopolies.
Considering Gabe is ex-microsoft and wants to distance himself as much as possible from them, I highly doubt that'd work, he'd go down fighting at the very least.
No need to go down fighting. Valve is a private company. They can just say no.
The problem is when he goes down.
Gabe won't live forever.
Or will he?
We need to fund some altered carbon stuff right now
If the technology likenthat is even remotely possible then it's already being funded you can guarantee it.
Valve is more than Gabe.
But gabe owns it.
Does he want to distance himself? Gabe said he learned more in his short months-long tenure at MS than he did in the rest of his academic career. He dropped out of Harvard, mind you.
He modeled his entire company off of MS. He even adopted their primary strategy, buy, polish and package. It's literally just embrace, extend, extinguish all over. Balmer taught him very well.
I really don't get why people think he's all that different from any other billionaire. He got there by buying out competition, and if they wouldn't sell, theft and litigation.
Not saying he's different from other rich people, but Valve developing both SteamOS and Proton is a clear message they don't want to rely on Microsoft and their software.
Microsoft doesn't want to rely on licensed software every time they install their programs either. Again, Valve taking a queue from MS. And that's fine BTW, the whole industry follows MS.
Moreover the real issue, the difference in computing cost between running Win10 with all the unnecessary boost vs Linux is massive. Had they used Windows it would've costed more to be able to run less.
As to being reliant on Windows, that's been their standard most of their history. Steam was Windows based. If Windows were to go ahead with making a stripped down Windows OS that was specific to gaming, such as the one demoed in a code jam earlier this year, you can bet steam would be selling that version of Windows direct from their store, and likely have a easy tool ready to use to install it to your deck. They would probably offer it as an installation option too. Why not? There's no good reason they shouldn't. The whole verified question goes out the window. That's huge. But again, MS controls that situation, not Valve. They're still reliant on MS in major ways.
He's said that way before 2020, also. Publicly. It seems that has not changed. Most in that kind of position would come to the same conclusions of buying up the competition and making money off their products. It's cheaper, it's easier, you already get the infrastructure and customer base, etc. What capitalist wouldn't try to go that route?
Is there a company they wouldn't buy? Unity maybe?
Why not? Buy low, right? Best time to it is after a company stupidly tabled their value and trust right 😂
Honestly might not be such a bad idea. Unity is built on .Net, which Microsoft also owns. The teams could work together to get Unity modernized and cleaned up, and I bet developers would trust Microsoft more than Unity (Consider that Microsoft also owns VS Code, Github, npm and more that tons of devs frequently use)
God, please, no. If ever you heed your humble servant...
Not to worry. I think this qualifies as a "cold day in Hell" situation.
Somebody please tell Gabe that even if he would walk away with billions of dollars he's going to lose his soul in the process.
It's just not worth it, tell Microsoft to go take a long walk off of a short pier into a vat of battery acid.
It’s a bummer that the government wasn’t able to stop the recent acquisition of activision, but hopefully that cooled Microsoft’s eagerness a little.
Microsoft needs to to have a massive anti trust lawsuit thrown at them
Microsoft is a US company operating in the US. That means US law dose not apply.
What a coincidence, me too!
Well yeah.
How is this news?
Thank you. Obviously “we would buy them if we could” is given; but just as obviously, this was just wishful thinking out loud.