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I was never this rad, but there is always hope.
Man, I remember unwrapping the NES my parents got me for my birthday. I had three whole games. Duck hunt, Top gun, Mario. That was a nice hit of nostalgia.
Trying to land on the carrier in Top Gun brings back a hit of trauma.
Speed up, left, left, speed down, right, right. Plop
12 year old me is so mad right now.
What game is he playing? Is that Chip n Dale?
Yes it is. I put so many hours into that game as a kid into my teens trying to beat it.
I beat it hundreds of times as a teenager. Never played Chip&Dale, though.
It was a tough game.
I think it might be.
I hated the last level in that game.
But it had the bestest music!
Would love to see what this guy looks like nowadays and how his life turned out, maybe get him to recreate this iconic photo
Holy shit, it is him!
This picture was the end game for 80s babies. A Duck Tales poster would really tie my room together.
Kid looked just like pat sharp
I grew up watching fun house. Them twins 😍
My mate got to be on the show, lucky git
What a half-arsed thumbs-up.
Kind of looks like a dollar store Zack Morris.
More like a wish zack morris
I remember telling my dad that I wanted an NES. He was like “we got NES at home.” Get home to a Bally Astrocade. Looking back that was cool as fuck. I miss that thing. But man was I pissed back then.
That boy’s mother is working 2 jobs to feed her kids and protect them from the horrors of the world. What an innocent time
Wow! I completely forgot that I had model jets hanging from my bedroom ceiling as a kid until I saw this picture right now.
It's a Capcom ad that ran in Nintendo Power - hence the Capcom hat, him playing Chip 'n Dale, the multiple copies of Strider on his cubicle-ass looking desk setup.
My neck hurts just by looking at this picture.
Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes, it's a, duck-blur!
hell yeah man
so sick
Acid wash jeans wow….ppl wore this stuff for real
Pretty sick, eh?
He's so cool
I had a hat that exact same shade of radioactive back then. No badass mullet, though...
Weren’t those the people working at the Nintendo hotline?