I'm a bit iffy with this. With driving, it's become a necessity because of how we built our cities. If our cities were more people friendly it wouldn't be such a big deal.
Also, you're learning how to drive at 16. Using a skill is practice and with driving there are risks, but there aren't great ways around it. As for voting, they do have a much bigger effect. And children usually, though not even close to always, vote the same way with their parents.
I don't want to reduce the thinking capacity of teenagers. I think that for an argument in favour of decreasing the voting age should be based on a better foundation.
The human brain is fully developed by around age 25, but the voting age is 18. I'm not familiar with the case here in Canada, but like a lot of Canadians, I know why the Americans have it at 18; it was because the draft was at 18 and since they didn't want to reduce the body count for the war they decided to just decrease the voting age from 21 to 18 instead. From that experience, it seems as though that the bodies of young people are worth more what ever power they yield with the vote. 🤔
I am in favour of having the voting age reduced below 25 because even though one's brain is fully developed at that age, one should have control of the environment they live in by the time they reach that age so that they may exercise their abilities in an environment they had a voice in building.
The age that people should be given that voice is a separate question. 25 - 4 years is 21, so I see that. I'm less certain about having it lower than that. I haven't seen good reasons for it.
For referendums, I could definitely see that since it is a once in a lifetime thing.