People wouldn’t care nearly as much if he said this while standing over a pond full of fish, but since they’re cute, fuzzy lambs, it’s Crossing The Line.
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If you're okay with eating meat, you should also be okay with how it gets to your plate. Seems only fair.
Where do they think meat comes from?
So... if you're not acknowledging where the meat comes from, that's bad
But if you are acknowledging it, it's bad as well?
Many people who eat meat do that not while lying to themselves about where it comes from as many vegetarians/vegans assume. They just legitimately do not feel bad for the animals they eat. Just as so many of us don't feel bad about the clothes they wear or the smartphone batteries they use.
The world is full of abuse, suffering and other such bullshit. You can't feel bad about all of it, or you'd go insane because you can't escape it. Besides, the brain just numbs itself at a certain pöint. So you need to allocate your compassion to a few of the sufferings you know of. Many go with animals for that. Many don't.
So the question isn't why the person eating meat is heartless, the question is what kind of pity the person not eating meat left out for it.
That's how my mind processes the whole thing.
See this is one of the reasons I started hunting. I figured if I couldn't morally deal with personally killing and preparing the creature, no more meat. It's easy to eat meat when it's a lump in plastic wrap on a store shelf versus when it's like standing in front of you. (I leave the actual butchering to professionals though). Wasting food hits different when you saw it alive and you're the one who unalived it.
People's perspectives on things are weird. I'm totally fine with vegans, vegetarians, meat eaters, whoever. But when someone who eats meat is excited because they think meat tastes good...... why did you think they eat it??? Obviously they think it's yummy, and obviously, to a certain degree, they see animals as a source of that. If you want to fight against that fine, but don't act surprised that it exists.
Lots of people don't really understand where meat comes from. They understand the concept that an animal has to die, but they prefer their meat comming out of a plastic package.
Example: we used to raise our own animals, I knew every single one by name and saw them grow up. When it was time to slaughter them we brought them to the butcher, got a carcass and the fur back. Guests could help feed the animals, feel the fluffiest pillow out of treated fur and I could tell them the name of the animal we served. However, most of them (obviously all meat eaters) could not comprehend at all, how we could slaughter and process those absolutely cute things.
I prefer to know where my meat comes from. Many people prefer not to, so they can loose appetite or get upset if they see the animal before it is brought to the butcher.
Its considered disrespectful.
The moral take of meat eating is that we respect the animals we kill to survive, and that we dont waste or belittle the animal just because its food.
This is the reason local farms are "more ethical" than commercial farming, because theyre more likely to treat the animal with respect.
Ramsey here is getting flack cause its kinda disrespectful to the living thing he is going to eat.
Do you ever feel like modern society just wants to be outraged all of the time?
In the unlikely event humanity survives our many man made crises of this era, might this come to have been known as the Karen Age?
That's because the threshold for writing "X causes outrage" in a headline is "one random nobody tweeted angrily about it". For any given topic you can always find at least a single person who is angry about it. So this might just as well be known as the Shitty Clickbait Journalism Age.
Outrage sells clicks and views better than anything except maybe disaster with a side of pretty young white girl.
They want to sell you outrage. So that’s what you see all the time.
Why can't I choose my lamb or cow while it's still alive the way I choose my lobster at Red Lobster?
I looked and this isn't satire. Somehow.
Any meat eater who is offended by his statements needs to find a big ol mirror and stare in it until they ratify that feeling with their diet.
That headline is probably based on a single tweet by some nobody, and they're probably vegan.
...and they’re probably vegan.
I'm not so sure about that. I think lots of vegans would appreciate lampshading the brutality of slaughtering cute little baby sheep.
My bet would be on an omnivore that thinks of themselves as an animal lover getting upset by being made to feel cognitive dissonance.
Ironic, maybe stopping eating meat if you think it's horrible to view animals as walking meals?
At least he's honest.
I don't see anything wrong with this
What doesn't outrage tiktok? Wait until they find out people who fish are generally super excited about hooking a fish.
That's the thing tho, you're not allowed to be excited and have fun.
You need to stop.
I've shot and killed my own cow, I skinned it, cut it, and roasted it over a massive fire pit. The locals were loving every second of it happening, and I can totally agree with Ramsay.
Just remember to use Mint Sauce/Jelly on the lamb, its like opening a portal to flavourtown.
Lmao. Okay. This outrage thing is just getting out of control. Don't these people have anything useful to worry about?
I'm torn because I'm not offended by it but I do think it's pretty bad taste. I know meat comes from animals. I know animals don't understand English. It's just a weird thing to post in my opinion
"Hehehe, these animals were bred to be slaughtered" is a dark but not really funny enough to be dark humor
I do this at the county fair all the time before the auction. "ooo, that one looks tasty" "look at the haunches on that fucker he looks delicious" it's so fun
- Gordon Freeman - Lambda
- Gordon Ramsay - Lamb, die!