As a someone who frequently argues with IT teams over ridiculous hidden password rules that drive crappy user experience I feel triggered by this game.
This is fantasticll
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As a someone who frequently argues with IT teams over ridiculous hidden password rules that drive crappy user experience I feel triggered by this game.
This is fantasticll
My company finally went to a non expiring multi-word based policy. Took them a major breach but finally some sanity.
I'm not gonna do google searches, I give up.
Haha, I also played along until the wordle thing.
I tried. Apparently, it's 'ABOUT':
But nothing happens. Meh. Was nice :)
I hate Paul...
I made it up to rule 25 and then Paul starved because I was thinking too long about which characters to ban.
To make it over Rule 24 (Paste the URL of a Youtube video with a certain random length), I even created a video with the correct length and kept uploading it to Youtube to get a URL without roman numerals and decently usable atomic weights.
When I tried it again after that dumb chicken starved, I hit Youtube's maximum daily upload limit. Now Youtube thinks I am a spambot or something.
Btw, there are 35 rules total, in case anyone else makes it over 24. And spoiler, the one that got me doesn't matter at all. It's one of the easiest of all.
That's a heroic effort! I laughed so hard.
"Your password must include the URL of a 23 minute 42 second long YouTube video."
Careful with Paul. He may starve.
I think I will quit at this point.
OK, I may have hit a wall with this one.
Anal beads to the rescue!
That's where I quit too
Im on the same bit atm and put the match into a chess bot but it tells me illegal move everytime i try
FUCK i killed paul
Who is Paul? Why is he killed? So many questions. And I'm still stuck at the chess board...
Some useful resources:
Emoji Moon Phases, you'll need Waxing Gibbous right now (🌔)
Today's Wordle Answer:
The Elements sorted by Atomic Number:
Chess Move Solver:
What killed me was trying to feed the chicken while hunting for a YouTube video of a certain length. I did get past that once when I was lucky enough to be asked for a 9 minute 0 second video. Because people upload "timer" videos of exactly X minutes, that was possible. The "26 minute 59 second" video resulted in a dead chicken.
I gave up around the roman numbers because I chose to include May
Think I should try again.
edit: okay, I'm going to call it on the Wordle rule.
LMAO this game is amazing. I got to rule 25 with this bad boy
but fucking Paul starved as I was converting all the vowels to bold. If anyone's wondering why there's a link in there, rule 24 required you to put the URL of a YT video with a duration of exactly 11 minutes and four seconds. Will probably be different for you, if you try it.
I hate this. Also, I love it. Fuck Paul.
I did 32nd Rule but I broke Rule 5. I wasn't going to juggle the hex colour, the length of the password, the captcha, and the youtube url, so that the numbers add to 25... Don't know if it's possible even...
edit: 31 to 32 was hard, I added a before pic as well, had to change strategy.
That was fun! Kinda hit the wall at the youtube link rule. Couldn't find a way to search YT videos by exact length, so you either need to get super lucky and find one randomly or upload such a video yourself. Then you better hope the video URL does not contain any roman numerals... All while keeping Paul fed (but not overfed!)
Let me just say: screw Paul and his inability to pace himself when eating. I just gave him a bunch of food to satiate him and he decided to eat it all at once and die from overeating...
Cool concept though!
Oh this is hilarious! I could accept each absurd rule up until I had to play Wordle, then I called it quits. But I kinda want to continue and see how high it goes.
Edit: Now stuck on chess
Edit 2: Oh no! I panic deleted during the fire.
Reminds me of But this one is even harder. :D
Playing this game was infuriating when the egg hatched.
PAUL HAS STARVED is the most evil thing :P
Also I got Madagascar, which was kind of hard...
I accidentally overfed him, which I guess is just as bad due to the Dark Souls themed overlay lol.
I thought I was so smart spamming the caterpillars into the password. I overfed Paul.
The funniest moment has to have been when I Googled "9 minute 34 second Youtube video" and there was at least one video literally titled "9 MINUTES AND 34 SECONDS TIMER COUNTDOWN [574 seconds - 9:34]" and the video was 9 minutes 49 seconds long. I proceeded to Google different numbers of seconds looking for one that hit the perfect number and literally none of the videos, despite seemingly hundreds of videos of very specific times happened to fall on the 9 minute 34 second mark. Like, what insane world is happening in the great depths of Youtube where people spend hours posting completely arbitrary timers on Youtube, but specifically avoid ones that are 9 minutes, 34 seconds in length. I felt set up. I was rolling in laughter. 10/10 would spend my night Googling Youtube timers and overfeeding an emoji chicken again.
Dang it, finished on rule 24
because (spoiler)
because I overfed Paul and it died :(
Omg I overfed Paul lol
thanks I hate it
This is hilariously difficult
That was fun! I couldn’t put out the fire on mobile, I couldn’t move the cursor around fast enough, and then Paul starved 🙀
hi, i'm stuck on rules 9 and 11, because i cannot both have today's wordle answer, and also have it multiply to equal 35 in roman numerals. what do i do?
It only counts in Roman numerals if they're capitalized. Give the wordle answer in lower case.