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Welcome to Lemmy.ca!

"Lemmy.ca" is so named due to it running the Lemmy software, in the Fediverse, and it's geared toward Canadians, hosted in Canada, and run by Canadians. It is, however, not at all restricted to Canadians, or Canadian culture/topics/etc. All are welcome!

We are run by the non-profit Fedecan and funded entirely by user donations. You can help support us by visiting our donations page.

We have some rules here:

1. No BigotryIncluding racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia.

2. Be CivilArgue in good faith, attack the argument; not the person, and promote a healthy debate. That includes implying violence, threats or wishes of violence and/or death.

3. No PornThis instance is not made to host porn communities. You're free to access porn communities on other instances through your account, but be mindful of Rule 4.

4. Use the NSFW tagUse your common sense: if you wouldn't want this image to show up on your work computer, tag it as such. In comments, use the
spoiler ::: tag for NSFW images, and put a NSFW mention beside links. Do not use NSFW images as your avatar or banner. :::
5. No Ads / SpamThis instance is not there to act as your billboard. If you want to promote your personal work, at least make the effort to be a contributing member of this community. Your account purpose shouldn't be to only advertise, make it natural.

6. Bot accountIf you are the operator of a "bot" account, make sure to flag is as such in the account's settings.

7. Right to privacyDo NOT distribute the personal information of someone else without their consent (aka doxxing). Information that is public domain can be shared, provided it is in good faith.
ex: The official email of an elected official is fair, the private phone number or the real name of a non-public person is NOT.

8. Report abuseThe report function isn't labelled the disagree button. You might not agree with someone, but that doesn't mean what the person says is against the rules. Using it repeately in this fashion will lead to actions being taken against the reporter.

9. ImpersonationDon't make an account with the intent to negatively deceive or defame someone on the fediverse.
ex: Parody of a famous person is okay, submitting outrageous content as appearing like another user, mod or admin isn't.

Getting Started

Site resources

Need to contact an admin? PM us at @[email protected]



founded 4 years ago
c/[email protected]: Space Frogs

Die Community für Fans der Space Frogs auf Feddit!

Postet hier gerne alles, was ihr auf r/Spacefrogs sonst auch posten würdet :) Memes, Schreibtisch-Setups, Inside-Jokes, egal was.

1 subscribers, a community founded 2 hours ago
c/[email protected]: Autismus - Diskussionen und News zu Neurodiversität

Eine Community zum Thema Autismus-Spektrum.

Postet hier gerne alles mögliche rein, was zu dem Thema passt:

  • Berichte, z.B. Alltagserfahrungen, euer Weg zur Diagnose, etc.
  • Probleme
  • News
  • Memes
  • usw.

Auch, wenn Autismus (und andere Neurodiversitäten) oft Probleme im Alltag verursachen können, sehen wir diese Andersartigkeit nicht als Krankheit, sondern nur als Ausdruck der menschlichen Diversität, die es zu schützen gilt!

1 subscribers, a community founded 2 hours ago
c/[email protected]: trashpost 🗑️

• Instance rules apply. I forgot to read them, but I'm sure they're awesome.

• Community is largely random.

• Bullet points are dumb.

1 subscribers, a community founded 2 hours ago
c/[email protected]: Food UK

As opposed to the memeable British dishes.

This is about our food production, consumption and the food industry in the United Kingdom. Which, I think we can all agree, needs improving and there are unique challenges that we face.

See also:

Elsewhere in the Fediverse:

1 subscribers, a community founded 3 hours ago
c/[email protected]: hole in the ground

Now that you've stumbled upon this hole, drop some random thoughts, vents, test posts, or anything that does not break instance rules. I hate moderating, don't make me work.

1 subscribers, a community founded 13 hours ago
c/[email protected]: Defund Fascism

Seeking every viable way to remove our material support for everyone who supports fascists. Defund Fascism is a community for identifying all of the businesses, corporations, organizations, and any other institutions who are offering their support to fascists, so we can provide alternatives and organize boycotts.

Oppression needs to be bad for business.

1 subscribers, a community founded 14 hours ago
c/[email protected]: Pregúntale a Lemmy

La comunidad en español para preguntar cuestiones.

30 subscribers, a community founded 1 day ago
c/Peru: Viva el Perú

Una comunidad bilingüe dedicada al país de Perú.

A bilingual community dedicated to the country of Peru.

39 subscribers, a community founded 1 day ago
c/Sapphic: sapphic

This community is using “sapphic” to describe anyone who fits under that label, including people who are nonbinary but attracted to women, for example.

However, anyone, regardless of orientation can join.

38 subscribers, a community founded 1 day ago
c/Pansexual: pansexual

A community geared towards pansexuals, but anyone can join! (If you’re homophobic or transphobic, you will be banned.)

36 subscribers, a community founded 1 day ago
c/bonehurtingjuice: Bone Hurting Juice

Bonehurtingjuice memes are memes that are out of context and misuse the template completely. Imagine you're a 10 year old kid who just discovered the internet a week ago and your only exposure is iFunny. It's like that. Here's the original for example!

🧃 READ THE HISTORY: https://irony.wiki/wiki/BoneHurtingJuice

212 subscribers, a community founded 1 day ago
c/[email protected]: DE_FOTO_NEWS

Hier findest du die neuesten Nachrichten und Entwicklungen aus der Welt der Fotografie. Von neuen Kamera-Modellen über innovative Technologien bis hin zu interessanten Projekten und Ausstellungen - wir halten dich auf dem Laufenden. Diskutiere mit anderen über die neuesten Entwicklungen und lerne von den Erfahrungen anderer. Wir sind ein Ort, an dem Fotografie-Enthusiasten und Profis zusammenkommen, um sich über die neuesten Nachrichten auszutauschen.

Und hier sind einige Hinweise zur Netikette für deine Community:

-Sei respektvoll: Behandle andere Mitglieder mit Respekt und Freundlichkeit. Vermeide beleidigende oder herabwürdigende Kommentare.

-Vermeide Spam: Vermeide es, unnötige Links oder Werbung in deinen Kommentaren zu posten.

Bitte beachtet die Regeln von Feddit.org.

38 subscribers, a community founded 1 day ago
c/[email protected]: Appliance Repair

This is where we discuss how to repair appliances, large and small. We are not waiting for #right2repair law to be enacted. The civil disobedient practice of repairing instead of wasting and re-buying is welcome here. I will also turn a blind eye toward “piracy” of manufacturer service manuals that are otherwise unavailable to the general public.

1 subscribers, a community founded 1 day ago
c/[email protected]: Roll Your Own

For people who roll their own cigarettes. Tobacco, papers, tubes, and vendors conversations.

38 subscribers, a community founded 2 days ago
c/[email protected]: The place to submit art for others to roast


  1. All posts must be of a single work of art and nothing else. Responders will roast the art.
  2. You must have made the work of art. Anyone who is proven to have submitted art they did not make or to have submitted AI art, photography, or anything which is derived enough from someone's work to be their work with a change applies will be banned.
  3. Images must be embedded into the post, not hotlinked to.
  4. No divisive responses are allowed, and keep it demographically friendly.
  5. Don't submit more than one picture a week.
  6. Don't submit more than one roast per submission.
3 subscribers, a community founded 1 day ago
c/[email protected]: Superbösewichte

Wir ersetzen einfach nur das Wort "Milliardär" durch das Wort "Superbösewicht". Alles andere bleibt gleich

64 subscribers, a community founded 2 days ago
c/[email protected]: PeerTube

PeerTube is a tool for sharing online videos developed by Framasoft, a french non-profit.


  • Be nice.


44 subscribers, a community founded 2 days ago
c/[email protected]: Local Activism

A community specifically for discussing, coordinating, sharing, praising, and bragging about local activism.

What's not allowed:

  • Doomerism. It's okay to vent and share defeats or frustrations. It's not okay to discourage others from taking action.

  • Promoting violence. Look, we're talking about local action, in local politics. These aren't the lizard people in federal office, they're your neighbors. Do not promote violence against your neighbors.

  • Promoting hate. This community is about building a better world for all of us, and nobody's forcing you to be here if you're not about that.

Pretty much everything else is on the table.

When posting, please please please tag your post with your city and region. This community support local action around the world, and it's helpful to distinguish London, England from London, Canada.

2 subscribers, a community founded 1 day ago
c/[email protected]: Test
1 subscribers, a community founded 1 day ago
c/[email protected]: Support
1 subscribers, a community founded 1 day ago
c/[email protected]: Pottery And Ceramics Discussion

Creating a community for discussing the hobby of pottery and ceramics and showing off cool stuff people have made.

43 subscribers, a community founded 3 days ago
c/[email protected]: Combat Footage
a community founded 1 day ago
c/[email protected]: mi canal
a community founded 2 days ago
c/[email protected]: Fedimigration Organizing

This is a place to share resources and coordinate projects to assist in the migration away from legacy social media.

202 subscribers, a community founded 6 days ago
c/[email protected]: Lesbians

A community for lesbians, people whose loved ones are lesbians, people who want information about lesbians, queer people, and allies!

  1. Trans lesbians are lesbians and are welcome.

  2. Lesbians of other nationalities, even ones you “don’t like”, are welcome. Feel free to speak another language if you can, as long as you tag it with the right language flair.

121 subscribers, a community founded 6 days ago
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