Whoever gave that poor kid that haircut should be charged with Domestic Terrorism...
The word "Celt" is largely meaningless. There were no such specific societal group as "Celts".
"Celts" refers to speakers of similar (though not the same) languages within a celtic language group which includes Gauls (Who became Germans), Celtiberians, who became Portuguese, the Gaels, who became the English and Irish, etc... etc...
Saying that "Celts" are a society is like saying Peru, Argentina, Mexico, etc.. are all one single people. (pro tip...they're not)
So no, "celt" isn't derogatory, and it certainly isn't a synonym for "druid".
I still game on my desktop. But it's never been the primary use.
Graphic Design, video editing, 3D modelling, etc... has been the reason for my upgrades over the years. The fact that each of those upgrades allowed my games to perform better was a side-effect instead of being the primary reason.
"in government" refers to being part of the governing party
It most certainly does not. Outside of campaigns, there is no such thing as "liberal" government, or "conservative" government. There's just "the government".
The official opposition is a part of the government. And ESPECIALLY in a minority parliament, all parties negotiate and compromise to get shit done because no one party has the votes to pass something on their own. That's literally how government works.
For the same reason most politicians get into it; Its the best position to be in if you're looking to get your palms greased.
He's not interested in being a part of the government unless he's the one in charge.
The Death Gate Cycle by Margaret Weiss and Tracey Hickman would be top choice.
An extremely close second would be a mini-series based on the novel Imajica by Clive Barker (second only because I don't think anything would be able to truly do that book justice on screen so I'd be hesitant to even try.)
A longer miniseries of L.A. Confidential that tells the whole story of the novel rather than having to chop and streamline it for a movie runtime. I love the movie and I think how they chose to cut and edit the story down is actually really brilliant, but I'd be interested in seeing the whole thing play out in a mini-series.
I'm pretty sure Sex With Hitler has at least one enjoyable moment during its runtime. Which automatically places it above 76.
Yeah. I worded that wrong for sure.
The policy of American intervention began in South America going as far back as the early 1900s, followed by the middle east after WW1 and Asia-Pacific after WW2.
"Ramp up" was the wrong choice of words, for sure. "Emboldened" to not try to hide it anymore would be more accurate.
My apologies. Thanks for clarifying.
I'm not going to go into too much detail, as I don't really have the time for an in depth explanation. But suffice it to say from a sociological perspective, organized religion formed along with more complex societies because complex societies need more rules to manage a higher population that came about because of agriculture and the rise of city states.
it's not a coincidence that hunter-gatherers worshipped fertility goddesses and totemic gods, and that actual "organized" pantheons came into being alongside the concept of "nations".
Organized religion was a tool that was invented to exert control and prevent chaos when societies were in their infancy and still figuring out how to live together and share resources. (ie. who are we and who are "others". Who gets to share our wealth and who doesn't, etc... etc...)
We don't need it anymore, and yet it sticks around causing all kinds of trouble.
That's not how Open Source works. Is this Chinese version of the AI likely biased? Yes...almost certainly.
But Open Source means that anyone can download and use the same source code and same technology to tinker with it and create one that isn't biased and has nothing to do with the Chinese government.
The power of Open Source is that regardless of who creates the software originally, a million eyes are literally looking at the code. It's nearly impossible to hide any shenanigans.