Small price to pay for standing up to fascism.
Don't worry, once he's dead and can't stop it Hollywood will thoroughly sh*t over this IP as well with prequels, sequels and spinoffs. They're very patient if there's potential for a cash grab.
Then again, Spielberg isn't so pure -- he CGI'd the guns with walkie-talkies in the re-release didn't he? Can't depict our loving government agents as anything but benevolent, right?
Wasn't it Terry Pr⍺tchett who specifically put in his will that all of his unfinished works (on hard drives) were to be crushed with a steamroller?
I think governments and billionaire oligarchs (but I repeat myself) have been using Huxley to distract us from Orwell for quite a while, now. :(
Show me where you pee from!
Pants on the ground and dresses in the air!
If I see one underwear I'm taking you all in!
- D. Trump, heard behind-stage at Miss Teen USA Pageants
Are there any minor failures in your Tesla that you can claim warranty against? I wouldn't begrudge anyone stuck with one now who bought in the past, but a sort of civil disobedience, aimed at costing the company as much as possible, would be an ethical imperative here. Claim any warranty repair you can. Be a 'picky' customer. Make support and sales spend extra effort and money in any way possible for your property. After all, you paid for it, make them spend as much money as possible.
Excellent. Resist.
Sounds like it is truly time to station troops in Greenland to defend against the US. The issue will need to be forced, so Drumpf either backs down, or crosses the line into hostility so the world will wake up from its denial of the danger.
Stochastic terrorism and signalling his followers should no longer 'stand back and stand by'. How does he get away with this? Good lord.
Let them, wait for them to violate any law at all, and re-charge them with new crimes. Stick 'em right back where they belong, in prison.
Used to -- I think both ftp:// and gopher:// have been removed by the big browsers (eg Chrome and Firefox).
Can't have competing standards that might let us avoid ads now, can we?
Had me ready to rant until the last frame... well played.