Actually there was already a known proof of PT that was based on trigonometry, the proof of the students is also unlikely to be accepted as it relies on calculus and not pure trigonometry.
I use mojeek. It's good enough for me, image search sucks though
Edit: ups
Pretty sure this article has been at least partially written by an AI
The government is totally not going to abuse this
Fair enough, that's not a power station tough. IMO stone weathering is a superior carbon capture process
I mean, a biomass power station should have no net emission, that's the whole point
Are you dense?
You can use taxes to socialize necessities all you like, as long as they control prices they will simply raise them and decrease purchasing power respectively, as long as some corpo has a monopoly on a product/service they maintain control of that product, taxes cannot take away anything from them
You are completely ignoring my point, taxing those things won't diminish earnings for the top brass one bit if they can just raise prices as a response. How does increasing taxes on profits promotes reinvestment??