
joined 2 years ago
[–] 8 points 14 hours ago (1 children)

I see beans and I up vote.

[–] 2 points 19 hours ago (1 children)

Shouldn't you still need 2fa, and use the passkey as the second auth?

[–] 1 points 19 hours ago

I'd love to never need a new car. My Tacoma is 10 years old and still going strong. But I doubt ill make it another 30 or 40 years. I'm hoping if I do need another vehicle I can be in a spot for an electric. Maybe one of those tiny electric trucks

[–] 15 points 1 day ago (3 children)

When I bought my Tacoma I was horrified to learn they no longer make the "small one", and I was only bon Gen 2 of the Tacoma's. They've gotten even bigger I think

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

Ooh neat.
Isn't proton mail run by shitheads though?

[–] 14 points 1 day ago (1 children)
[–] 0 points 1 day ago

Just use a GitHub page. Super simple and driven by your source code.

[–] 9 points 2 days ago (3 children)

I want a non profit/open source store aggregator where we can search for what we want like Amazon but direct is to the site with the item we are looking for.

[–] 5 points 3 days ago

I just gave boost $4 to remove the ads. I prefer OSS and Non Profits absolutely, but I also acknowledge that we live in a capitalist hellscape and good things take money.

[–] 48 points 3 days ago (2 children)

We can only hope!

Sometimes things that used to be luxuries have become utilities that everyone needs. Broadband is not on the same level as housing or water, but it is undeniable that it is no longer a luxury and deserves to be treated as such.

[–] 6 points 3 days ago

I wish I had a Congressperson that would even pretend to care about me.

[–] 5 points 5 days ago

They were put on Administrative leave for 4 weeks so the weren't fired yet. They would have to quite themselves at this point


Absolutely fucking insane


Is there a way to only show English posts when in All? I love our friends around the world but I can only read English right now


Anyone on Abilify (Aripiprazole) and smoke, are you able to get high?

I have been on Lexapro for years and started smoking a few years ago with no issues.

Now I added Abilify to my mental health cocktail and have noticed that I can get high anymore. I think I have a high tolerance, I graduated from black market flower to medical 510 thread concentrate to wax. I typically smoke 3 to 5 hits over a 4 hour period after work.

So other than trying a T break, anyone experienced anything like this? This really sucks.


I just got about 100 hours on HOI4 and I cant play it at all. I have to date only won a single game (since I picked it back up recently after release), but typically the second I get into war my divisions lack organization, supply, or whatever else and I get capitulated pretty quick.

Are there any mods that take a single concept (supply, army planning, division designs, etc) and help you learn those in isolation? I watch a bunch of YouTubers and try to follow their tips but for whatever reason I am still doing it wrong.

Interestingly, I bought hoi on release and was able to world conquest on my first or second try, so I am guessing new dlc/mechanics (supply?) are probably part of the problem.


I am starting to detangle myself from Google and one of the services I use is YouTube.

I learned that piped exists the other day but that is just a front end for Google.

Is there a tool that I can host on my server that will let me give it YouTube links, that will then download/stream to my server and then server to my phone or computer?

I guess I am looking for a tool that will cache my YouTube videos locally and even download my subscriptions when they upload new stuff.

I'm not sure what this buys me that Piped does not, except that I am backing up videos in case they are removed.


I am working on building a new server in my apartment that will have a reasonably beefy GPU and CPU so I can get PCIE pass-through working and get a gaming VM set up.

Trouble is, my apartment is in the attic in the south. With the AC on I had one or two really bad days last year that it got up to 90 degrees Fahrenheit inside with high humidity.

Any cooling suggestions for something like that? Is 90 degrees Fahrenheit still cool enough to reduce the temperature of my components? I would really like to avoid buying a phase change cooler, but that is the only thing I can think of if the ambient is too high.


I have been out of the Piracy game for almost a decade so im starting over.

Anyone know of good resources for "old" American TV shows? Late 90's to mid 2000's.

None for the sites I tried in the mega thread had anything.


I got a medical card here in LA and the prices are outrageous. Getting a dablicator with full spectrum oil seems to be the most cost effective. Trouble is I can't seem to figure out how to use it.

At first I just ate it but I think I wasted $90 because I felt nothing and I don't think it was decarbed.

Next I got some refillable 510 thread vapes and a small syringe to fill it. That has been a pain but it at least works a bit.

How am I supposed to use this stuff? Is it all the same or are there different kinds? Is it decarbed at all or not meant for vaping?


Hey All,

Hoping you can help me grok what he is doing here. He has a capo on 2nd fret I think and it looks like he is just using simple chords, but I can't figure out what his strumming pattern is. I think it is fingerstyle but I am at a loss on how to actually replicate it.

Anyone have any ideas?


Is there a way I can track how much filament is left on a roll?
Either an add-on sensor I can build or software that will track how much is used vs how much is supposed to be on the roll?

Have a Prusa Mk4 and it's working ok so far but been having trouble with very long prints so trying to figure out if my rolls have enough left


This is probably a dumb question but I am new to the guitar (about a year in to my learnings with a teacher).

I have some pedals but I want to branch out into getting a synth as well to experiment with the sound.

Does there exist a device that I can plug in to my pedal chain so I can drive it with my guitar AND play it on it's own to create sounds? Also hoping synths have a drum machine because I would like to play with a beat.

I know pedal synths exist but that isn't really what I am looking for, want a synth on its own that I could also use with the guitar but not only with the guitar if that makes sense.

Am I thinking about this wrong? Does this mythical device exist? If not anyone have some relatively entry level devices I can look at?


I am struggling. Only have Shadowheart and my PC at level 3.

spoilerI killed the priestess inside the silence spell but she managed to walk out and call for help on her last turn.

I then unlocked the underdark but don't want to explore that yet.

Now I have found the drow and the hobgoblin but they are surrounded by all the minons and I can't take a fight. SHould I keep exploring? I found the cave below the spiders but haven't gone in yet, had to restart that save because it was in battle and I yeeted myself off the cliff to avoid more dudes.

I love this game. As a BG1/2 fanboy and an overall hater of turn based games I felt betrayed when Larian got the IP and turned it into a Divinity clone, but I am having so much fun. It is like I am playing 5e by myself. Also talking to all the animals is so great.

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