
joined 2 years ago
[–] GlassHalfHopeful 26 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I hear that welcoming migrants is a great way to address this problem...

[–] GlassHalfHopeful 4 points 2 days ago

Oh my. 🤦🏽‍♂️ 🤣 💜

[–] GlassHalfHopeful 56 points 4 days ago

This is rather wholesome. 💜

[–] GlassHalfHopeful 5 points 4 days ago

I don't really understand how this benefits Ukraine...

[–] GlassHalfHopeful 8 points 5 days ago (1 children)
[–] GlassHalfHopeful 2 points 1 week ago

What an incredible effort! This is genuinely one of the coolest things I've read. Unfortunately, one predator that comes to mind when I think of birds though are cats. I looked up the city and it's 200k+ pop. I couldn't imagine people giving up cats. And sure enough, the project doesn't target cats. Their FAQ says, "We encourage residents to be responsible pet owners. This means keeping cats at home where they are happiest and safest (especially overnight), so that our native wildlife can be happy and safe too."

Anyway, a really incredible project. I appreciate the share.

Also, good for you! What an incredible experience!

[–] GlassHalfHopeful 2 points 1 week ago

Annnnnd, I also thought the same about New Zealand! 🤣

It's a place I wouldn't mind visiting some day. 💜

[–] GlassHalfHopeful 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I'd love to hear a little more about this photo, if you care to share.

[–] GlassHalfHopeful 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

What a pretty bird. My first thought was that it was another interestingly colored corvidae, but then I noticed the beak and felt silly. Not being sure what it was, I looked it up. I tried several of the words from this post and the answer was tūī (prosthemadera novaeseelandiae). It's a honeyeater, a family of birds that I'm not sure my travels will ever allow me the privilege to see.

This is one of the reasons why the internet is wonderful. You can find info and photos and videos on anything! They have the funniest neck feathers. 🙃 It's also an example of why the internet is one strange place. I looked up "honeyeaters eating" and got the most strange results. 🤣

[–] GlassHalfHopeful 5 points 1 week ago

It's possible you're conflating asocial and antisocial behavior.

Humans are social creatures and we communicate in more than just words. How you respond to people, or in this case don't respond to people, says a lot to them. What the other person interprets may or may not be true. Frankly, humans are prone to storytelling so they have a tendency to presume the worst. If you aren't reinforcing otherwise with your words and your behavior, then they will naturally become upset.

I'm really really glad to hear that you have people in your life that seem to care about you, ask about how you are, and provide various things for you. However, even though you may not feel like it for whatever reasons, refraining from reciprocating that behavior will starve out those relationships.

Human relationships are always quid pro quo. If you are receiving, then you will be giving something back. It doesn't have to be one-to-one and not usually immediate.

If you want relationships of any kind to be healthy, then reciprocating when people invest into you is important. Again, it doesn't necessarily have to be in the same way or amount, but there does have to be a response. Without that, the relationship becomes unhealthy or eventually over.

On a side note, I'm really proud to see you being forthright and honest with your mental health. I know it's more commonly spoken about these days, but it can still be hard. I hope that you're getting help as you navigate through it. You might find that some of the internal healing work you do will also positively affect the very relationships you are talking about in this post.

May your tomorrow's be better than each today. 💜

[–] GlassHalfHopeful 4 points 1 week ago

For the first question, you might find answers more helpful if you ask the aforementioned people that you're actually interacting with.

And regarding the second question, it's probably related to the first. Young people who grew up texting and using social media have adopted abbreviated writing styles. Older people using the same technologies tend to retain more proper forms. Of course, people aren't monoliths. There's plenty of young people writing in complete sentences and plenty of older people utilizing short form words.


To prism.

It's a light sentence, but gives them time to reflect.


Monica Lewinsky on the reclamation of her life, bullying, and her podcast on reclamation.

I get that she was caught within a political scandal, but what happened to her and since then is so much more than that. I hope this video isn't removed because of what happened in the past. This is quite literally the first time I've seen her since the late '90s and it was such a breath of fresh air to see her being treated so wildly different than back then.

I thought it was worth sharing and I think it's important to remember that the people involved in "scandals" like these are real humans like us, deserving of being treated with dignity and compassion.

Yeah, affairs suck, but hypocrisy suck more. This is a private matter and people need to mind themselves before they mind others and their doings. What was done to her was terrible and I'm so glad to see her picking up pieces of her life.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by GlassHalfHopeful to c/[email protected]

— Update ———

In your account preferences, "Show Read" is enabled by default. If you disable it, then any time a post is marked "read", you will no longer see it on your feed. The app I use is currently set to mark posts I've scrolled past as "read." I'm not sure how the Lemmy WebUI does it.

This is a great tool to make sure you don't repeatedly see the same read posts on your main feeds, but apparently it also applies when viewing a community directly.

— Original post below ———

I was able to see videos at until just a few days ago. Now it says no new posts for a year and I can't see any new posts.

I've never posted or commented in that community. There are no modlog actions against me regarding that community or instance. I haven't blocked the community or instance. My instance hasn't blocked I don't think my instance has blocked the community specifically because my alt on the same instance accesses it fine. This problem exists both within third party apps and the normal Lemmy WebUI.

Does anyone have any idea why I am not able to see the content from while logged in?



Oh my goodness. I love the spritely innocence of Sylphrena. Being an honor spren, cousin to wind spren, i cant help but find myself absolutely delighted by her mischievousness.

I'm reading Stormlight 5 now and this scene had me absolutely cracking up. I can't believe Brandon wrote this. It is so very Syl. 🤣😂😜💜💜💜

Syl’s eyes went wide, and she let out a soft “Ooooo …”
“New style,” the woman behind the counter said. “Based on an old ko-takama.” To their confused looks, she continued, “Female warrior clothing, very old, from our more savage times. That didn’t use the uniform coat, of course—and those had a higher waist, and sometimes a bow. I might have a picture somewhere …”
She trailed off as Syl’s clothing fuzzed and she was immediately wearing something similar. Syl rose up a little, her skirt—which was longer than the one she had worn in the past—rippling faintly. Thin, pleated, with the fitted jacket above. She continued to wear her hair loose, though she was one of the only ones in the room to do so.
“Nice,” Kaladin said. “It suits you.”
Syl grinned.
“I’d suggest,” the woman said, “a nice pair of leggings or trousers under the ko-takama for a Windrunner—or whatever you are—so that …”
“What?” Syl said innocently.
“When you’re flying,” the woman said. “So that, you know …”
Syl cocked her head, then gasped. “Oh! Or everyone will see my chull.”
“Your … chull?” the woman asked.
Syl leaned forward conspiratorially across the counter. “I could never figure out why these humans were so shy about the spot between their legs! Strange to my uncultured spren mind. Then I figured it out! Must be something pretty ugly down there, for everyone to be so afraid to show it! The ugliest thing I know of is a chull head. So when I made this body, I put one there.”
The woman stared at Syl, and seemed to be trying very hard not to look.
“… Chull head,” the woman finally said.
“Chull head,” Syl replied.
“Down … there.”
“Down there.”
Syl held the woman’s eyes with an unblinking stare, before adding, “I feed it grass sometimes.”
The woman released a shockspren and made a sound not unlike one Kaladin had heard from men being strangled.

Bwahahahaahh! 😂😂😂😂


I rarely post memes, especially animated ones. But on occasion, they are absolutely necessary.

Thing is, I've only ever figured out how to do it… maybe once? How on earth do we embed gifs or mp4s within comments and posts?


This show was honestly such a special gem. 💜💜💜

I'm going to miss all the cleverness, great writing, and loads of fun. I wish I could be friends with all the characters. Boimler and Mariner's relationship is so wonderful. I want IRL friends like all of them. 🙃

So long Lower Deck.

Engage the core.


It's that time of year again when my partner gets upset with me because I'm not the kind of person that ever wants anything...

My partner always wants this or that. They mention things they want all the time. So I write down what I hear. Gift holidays are covered easily because I try to pay attention.

I feel bad though. I know it's hard when I don't talk about things I want. And when asked, I don't know what to say. It only ends up causing me anxiety.

This is so dumb. What does a person who doesn't want things want for their birthday?

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by GlassHalfHopeful to c/[email protected]

So I just watched this trailer. I can't figure out if I should be laughing or scared. It's Paul Rudd, so I definitely want to see it. I have no idea what's going on though...

Does anyone have the scoop on what this movie is actually about?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by GlassHalfHopeful to c/[email protected]

I see this often and wonder how much I miss as a result. Imgur links neither render as a link nor an image. I only know it's a link to an image when I view it the same post via the WebUI or another app. I don't even realize these are images most of the time and just scroll past.

Is it simply not being handled yet? A bug? Design decision?

Referenced post:


I have finally figured out a way to poorly and incorrectly mispronounce "dólares" so that it would finally let me through the exercises that include numbers and money. There is no single word it has struggled to understand more than that one. And trust me, I am saying it correctly. Good grief!

What about you? What words does Duo refuse to accept from you?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by GlassHalfHopeful to c/[email protected]

Does anyone know where I could find comparisons of the various Lemmy clients available? I'd like to see something contrasting things like app maturity, features available, update release frequency, and etc?

I'm looking to try out some of the more mature clients since the one I'm using (Boost) has been exhibiting some problems for me recently. I wanted to narrow down the cause of the problem and will be trying other clients to make sure my instance isn't the issue. I'm writing this from Eternity (Nightly).


Is there a way to enable logs outputs? I'm getting pretty regular timeout errors on my primary instance of choice. I'd really like to know more details about what's going on.

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