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[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Im ersten moment war ich auch empört und hielt es für extrem. Aber nach etwas recherchieren ists wohl die einzige Lösung.

Die Stadttaube ist kein Wildtier, das sind verwilderte Haustauben und Brieftauben. Die können in der Wildniss nicht überleben und sind vom Menschen abhängig. Deren Lebenserwartung ist 2-3 Jahre weil viele Jungtauben entweder verhungern oder an krankheiten sterben. Sie könnten 15 Jahre alt werden unter idealen bedingungen. Der Grund warum sie trotzdem so zahlreich sind, ist weil sie ihre Geschlechtsreife sehr früh erreichen und das ganze Jahr über Brüten können.

Sprich, Stadtauben haben in der Regel kein gutes leben und die Überbevölkerung ist ein großer Grund dafür. Die Massentötung würde das Leben der restlichen Tauben stark verbessern.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

That one somehow isn't as weird. I guess it's because the 100 years since WW1 was fairly recently and obviously everyone who was over 50 at the time was born closer to WW1 than today.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Ich bin voll für günstigere Bauflächen aber der Artikel lässt viel zu wünschen über. Die vergleichen nur die Kreditzahlungen mit Miete und ignorieren dass der Kredit ja irgendwann zurück gezahlt ist. Der einfachste Schritt um bauen wieder bezahlbarer zu machen ist die 30-jährigen Hypotheken zurückzubringen. Heute bekommt man ja fast nur mehr 10-jährige, 15 wen man glück hat. Das erschwert die Finanzierung des Hauskauf/bau.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

That's only 3-4 hours. I think most of us would be fine doing that for our job. I certainly would watch 3-4 hours of TikTok and write down some statistics for getting paid.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago

I said it eleswhere but this assasination attempt is almost certainly not related to spanish politics. The guy is retired and hasn't been in office since 2014. He still is active as a lobbyist for the ‘National Council of Resistance of Iran’ and ‘European Friends of Israel’. He is also considered a terrorist by the Iranian government. So if this is politically motivated, it's way more likely related to the current events in Israel.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

He is not a currently elected official. He hasn't been in office since 2014. He isn't even running for any office. He is retired and "active" as a lobbyist for the 'National Council of Resistance of Iran' and 'European Friends of Israel'.

While no motive has been established, I doubt it's related to spanish politics since he is basically irrelevant there. If the attempt was politically motivated, it's way more likely to be related to the current events in Israel and Gaza. Or his general stance on the current Iranian government. He is considered a terrorist by the Iranian government.

So there is no threat to democacy and people cheering at this are just happy that a shitty person got hurt. Which still isn't the best mentality.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago

Big corporations have become heartless. There was always shady stuff going on, just look at how many retirement funds vanished but things have gotten worse. Everything is so globalized that it's easier for the people to dissociate themselves from their misdeeds. They don't see the facotires they shut down and all the workers who lost their job anymore. On top of that people just figured out all the loopholes (and created more via lobbying). So there are more oppertunities to show their heartlessness without feeling any repercussions (legal or social).

Small businesses are the same as always. Some have good employers some have bad.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago

No, not really. But that's more because the government and economy of China and the USA works fundamentally different. The US does a lot of foreign investment. But it's done by the private sector. Chinese companies aren't allowed to do foreign investments without approval of the Chinese government. So everytime a "private" Chinese company does an investment abroad, the Chinese government is directly involved.

The closest would probably be the landlease to Ukraine. All/most of the aid packages have to be paid back. Not necessarily with direct payments but by awarding (re-)building projects to US companies.

And obviously there is the IMF where the US pays the highest quota to and therfore has the highest voting power in how the money of the IMF is distributed.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

For Ukraine this always has been a fight for survival. Anything that results with Ukraine resotring the border to what it was prior to the invasion can be considered a win. Double so if Ukraine regains control over Crimea. And tripple so if Russia loses its ability to launch another invasion. But these are just bonus objectives, it isn't the goal of the war for Ukraine, even if some rethoric makes it seem that way.

The alternative to winning was always ceasing to exist. It might not have happened after this invasion but would have been inevitable. The cost of rebuilding doesn't matter considering the alternative. And I don't see the West abandoning Ukraine in their rebuilding efforts. The EU is almost certainly going to open conversaitions about Ukraine becoming a member. It would probably include a multi year plan of rebuilding with restricted membership before becoming a full member.

And there are tons of people waiting to swoop into Ukraine and buy up the cheap land and develope it. They aren't going to do it out of the good of their hearts but it will still speed up the rebuilding of Ukraine.

[–] [email protected] 48 points 1 year ago (4 children)

You are correct. But the movies did indeed make a poor introduction to the shield technology. I think it was just a short mention when Gurney is training Paul and is easily missed. They even have to train for a specific fencing style that involves slow movements as a fast swung blade can still be stopped by the shield. And I don't remember them talking about the interaction between lasers and shields at all, which creates a huge explosion.

My bigger issue with the movies was the typical hollywood charge. No tactics or strategy involved at all. Just screaming and running.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I don't think how you interact with a tool matters. Typing what you want, drawing it yourself, or clicking through options is all the same. There are even other programs that allow you to draw by typing. They are way more difficult but again, I don't think the difficulty matters.

There are other tools that allow you to recreate copyrighted material fairly easily. Character creators being on the top of the list. Games like Sims are well known for having tons of Sims that are characters from copyrighted IP. Everyone can recreate Barbie or any Disney Princess in the Sims. Heck, you can even download pre made characters on the official mod site. Yet we aren't calling out the Sims for selling these characters. Because it doesn't make sense.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago (8 children)

The comparision doesn't work. Because the AI is replacing the pencil or other drawing tool. And we aren't saying pencil companies are selling you Mario pics because you can draw a Mario picture with a pencil either. Just because the process of how the drawing is made differs, doesn't change the concept behind it.

An AI tool that advertises Mario pcitures would break copyright/trademark laws and hear from Nintendo quickly.

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