Wait, you can get much faster than hot'n ready? You give a teenager some money, he immediately hands you a pizza. Do those places see you come in the door and just start throwing pizzas in your general direction before you get to the counter?
Some things are more important.
Well, that's a bit apples and oranges. Local is usually > any corporate chain. And if you care about eating health, maybe avoid fast food of any kind.
Oh god it's so true...
In the movie the glasses let the wearer see the truth. This template is often used backwards but it's correct in this case.
The actual fuck are you on about?
I know it's probably difficult to find behind the great firewall but try looking up the Tiananmen Square massacre.
Spoiler: the people standing in front of the tanks are not the ones we refer to as tankies.
Shout-outs to the updates that have come along to fortress mode as well. More soundtrack (and it's so good) and so many little quality of life things.
They'll be going back to more regular updates to fortress mode now as well.
Agreed! But then again, it depends on the player I think. Someone that loves DND and never played SimCity I guess... maybe? I come from a background the other way around XD
Chaoticpoint, register for the party you aren't going to vote for and try to get the opponent you'd prefer to be stuck with if your party loses the election. (Squint real fucking hard and you might even call it proportional representation!)
Edit: I realize afterward that proportional representation isn't what this would be. More like single transferable vote. Eh, whatever my care level is zero now. Stop arguing with me.